My marching band is dying!!!!! I went to my high school for my 10 year today (I'm going to the homecoming game tonight). I went this morning to get a refresher on a couple of the dances. Al (the band director) was SO HAPPY to see me. They cut all credits for the class and it doesnt count as a PE class anymore. They aren't allowed to do the competitions that we used to do.And if their "tour" is in the summer than the senior who graduated that year cannot go. Isn't that JACKED UP!? Oh..... and they kicked them out of their building and moved them into the tiny metal shop class in the boondocks.
Back when I went to school the band ruled the school. Now they are just striving to stay afloot. Al looked so grimm as he was telling me about everything thats happened since I left. Oh, and my beloved highland dancers that I was with (we were the mascots of the school because our uniforms were real highland outfits), aren't "highland dancers" anymore. There is no tall flag team and no drill team, now it is just one big cluster fuck of a thing called "dance guard". *sigh* I thought going back to high school would be a nice nostalgic time. Not depressing
Back when I went to school the band ruled the school. Now they are just striving to stay afloot. Al looked so grimm as he was telling me about everything thats happened since I left. Oh, and my beloved highland dancers that I was with (we were the mascots of the school because our uniforms were real highland outfits), aren't "highland dancers" anymore. There is no tall flag team and no drill team, now it is just one big cluster fuck of a thing called "dance guard". *sigh* I thought going back to high school would be a nice nostalgic time. Not depressing
Oh man that suchs, a few weeks ago I went top a compation and saw the greatest marching band in the us, these kids are incredable. I always wanted to be a flag girl, but I in Michigan the flag girls weren't , but you guys had highland dancer, now thats awesome. PS high school is always depressing