So ive ben suspended from work for a week now.. How lame. I hate the corporate assholes, I really do. All of us have the same story so when are they going to stop looking at us, and start looking at the supervisor and team leader for repayment or answers. Why dont they suspend them instead the 4 of us from one dept. We told the truth so we are forced to pay for it. So tomorrow Im printing up my resume and hitting up some shops along the way in hopes of a better paying job. One where I am respected and actually noticed for the hard work I do.
I mean I love my job, correction. I love what I do. Making juices and smoothies for people makes me happy. I love hearing about how it helps them. I enjoy learning the health benefits of what Im juicing, and I love the fact that I can feel the effects too. Ive been deprived of them this whole week, and that makes me sad. Hopefully, Ill be able to find another juicebar or hell Id even settle for a barista position. There are some cute coffee shops around here and only 2 juicebars that i know of.. And smoothie king doesnt count because that shit isnt good for you..
It is nice being suspended with my boyfriend tho. Weve been enjoying it together and the weather has been mid 60s so it makes it great park weather
I watched an old movie called burbs with him, which is great. Its a movie i saw as a child and remembered really enjoying. his roomate just so happened to have it so we watched it. Im sharing a piece of my childhood with him, and it feels great. Even if it is just an old movie. Now im sitting here on SG and he is sitting here playing WoW, not really talking but still completely 100% enjoying each others company. It really is amazing.
I mean I love my job, correction. I love what I do. Making juices and smoothies for people makes me happy. I love hearing about how it helps them. I enjoy learning the health benefits of what Im juicing, and I love the fact that I can feel the effects too. Ive been deprived of them this whole week, and that makes me sad. Hopefully, Ill be able to find another juicebar or hell Id even settle for a barista position. There are some cute coffee shops around here and only 2 juicebars that i know of.. And smoothie king doesnt count because that shit isnt good for you..
It is nice being suspended with my boyfriend tho. Weve been enjoying it together and the weather has been mid 60s so it makes it great park weather

Hopefully you land on your feet soon.
We all got fired. All of us. This is so unjust. Whole Foods Market was listed as one of the top 100 best places to work. After my experience there, I will be honest. i started out loving my job when it was still wild oats. Whole Foods came in and promised us oaties so many things, and didnt deliver one of them. We didnt see raises, or being in whatever dept we wanted. An easy transition wasnt what we got. When I was on the front end, they did some good things for their employees. Thats because of the high energy, but awesome team leader. He believed in team member happiness. Every other dept. Ive worked in is a mess; but not a mess that starts at the bottom. This one starts at the top. Ones that include team leaders and supervisors. But the people over them are walking around with a blindfold on. Its total fucked up politics at that store and I got bullied around and then fired. Along with 5 others. This investigation was over the excessive free juice in the juicebar. Supervisors, including the team leader, would come back there and make drinks and one supervisor even said one free drink per shift. Other team members who did it just as often if not more still working. 6 hardworking employees, dedicated to making the store look good and keeping it fully stocked, offering to pick up or cover shifts if needed, fired. We all had at least 2.5 yrs experience some even having as much as 5+ yrs. All fired..