so in nyc finally seeing my puppie. i missed her sooo! shes so big now and awesome. its cute. im thinking of going out befoer i have to leave n getting my septum pierced.... hmmmmm i really want it tho. idk mabe i shouldnt..idk lol but its kinda like a tradition to myself to get something done here, lastnight it was a tattoo..soooo i think im due for another. im so cheap tho but i want it! arrrrrrgh, than and i wana score some killer herb hmmph! desicions and brokeness......arrrrgh fml
smile pretty
sux i gota leave tonight oo man :-(
smile pretty
sux i gota leave tonight oo man :-(
back in town? how was ur trip??
yea dude im back. it was cool, short but i go often so its cool. how ya doin?