Even though I really don't do anything, I bought a notebook recently which I'm going to use to remind myself of important, semi-important and dumb shit that's coming up. I never remember when any of my bills are due, except the one for my Visa card that I've had since I was 18, so maybe this'll help. I'm pretty excited about this. Why is writing in a (college ruled) notebook so satisfying? Is that just me?
I like making lists, too. Here's one of some stuff:
I like making lists, too. Here's one of some stuff:
- I'm way excited I won't ever be somebody's mother, thanks to decedent's recent vasectomy. (I hereby promise Alyk and CocoabutteR I'm done talking about my dude's balls.)
- Two of my best friends from Queens are coming up here to see me on the 22nd, and I'm looking forward to it. Since we're pretty selfish and don't like to share, we bought a couple extra pillows and a blanket for them to use, so we wouldn't have to give up one of our two pillows each that are currently on the bed. We found mega cute pillowcases at Target, too.
- Hockey season starts in less than a month. The Penguins are only in town twice, here, which sucks, but I think we're getting the Center Ice package this season so I'll be able to hog the television and yell like a crazy person whenever the Pens play anywhere.
- I totally threw up the other night almost immediately after eating dinner. I was surprised, even though I probably shouldn't have been. I ate what seemed to be an okay-amount of mashed potatoes, then felt painfully full, walked into the bathroom and proceeded to hurl half-way between closing the door. Gross.
- Despite my mother's insistence that I'm a major dinosaur and should give up the idea of going back to college, I've been thinking about where I should go here in Boston, and when. Even though I'm almost completely broke, the truth is I think I just want to go to school full-time and not work just yet. I guess if I get loans sorted out, we'll see.
- The two most painful things I've "watched" on TV lately have been the first seven minutes of Bob Saget's new standup special on HBO, and MTV's Video Music Awards in the combined 18 minutes' worth of bits and pieces I sat through.
Yeah, that's enough. The only other thing worth mentioning is that I've a massive jones for cheesecake and strawberry shortcake from Junior's.
Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10!!!