I'm back from vacation and quite tan. I got too much sun and my skin is laking off my face. EWwww. I should have just stayed pale. too late now though.
I'm headed to warp tour momentarily. should be good, although it hasen't been awsome since 2000. Damned young'ns don't know real punk anymore. whatever.
I think I'ma quite my job at H&M soon. I hate working for morons who are younger and less educated than me. They piss me off. But we'll see. the discount is sweet.
Later gaters
I'm headed to warp tour momentarily. should be good, although it hasen't been awsome since 2000. Damned young'ns don't know real punk anymore. whatever.
I think I'ma quite my job at H&M soon. I hate working for morons who are younger and less educated than me. They piss me off. But we'll see. the discount is sweet.
Later gaters

Wait till you peel, ohhhhhh man. I molt like an albino python after a day in the sun. H and H? employee discount? Have fun at the Warped tour...who's playing CCR?
I love the ic, have fun at the warp tour. And stock up before you quit