My terminal headach went away. I guess I was just sleep deprived. It's amazing the extent the body will torture us if it needs somehting. In fact I have never been so aware of my body, not conscious mind you but aware, as I am now having taken courses in the body as a tool for communication. It's so manipulating and manipulative. I am in awe of it's adaptability and system of communicating with the mind. I am in love with my body as a tool for pain, pleasure, art. I am ivolved in spacial relationship as I neve once was. And I am being lofty and philisophical. enough for tonight. I need to get some seminar reading done. Goodnight.
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 20, 2006
I try to be the calm that takes you I try to be the one you cou… -
Friday Aug 04, 2006
It's 5:29 AM Do you know where your children are? Mine? Still in m… -
Saturday Jun 24, 2006
I am bad at updating blogs, sorry. I got tattooed again today. I wil… -
Monday Jun 05, 2006
Hi y'all. I've been meaning to update for a week, but I've been busy,… -
Friday May 26, 2006
My stomach feels like a raging pit of sulfer. I got offered a per… -
Tuesday May 23, 2006
I just have a huge thank you to say to Starfior for the gift. Thank y… -
Saturday Mar 25, 2006
Well week one of Judy attempts an office job sucked. I hate mindless,… -
Friday Mar 17, 2006
I wanted to update, but I really have nothing to say. You don't want … -
Monday Mar 13, 2006
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Tuesday Mar 07, 2006
So I kickboxed last night for the first time in a long time. I starte…