Last night the hot girl I work with started laying in to me about how dorky I am for participating in Star Wars trivia night at a local pub. Now way back in my nerdy youth I would have felt ashamed of myself for admitting that kind of thing especially to an attractive young lady who's only possible reaction would be to scoff at my pathetic admiration of some dweeby science fiction fantasy. However, in this instance, I could only sympathize with her for possessing such an underdeveloped level of character as to admonish me for my specific tastes in pop culture. I, until now, had thought myself to retain somewhat of a childish nature finding joy and entertainment in such things. I've come to realize, however, that the real child lies in the one who has yet to learn the meaning of individuality and the acceptance of others'. I dare say this is one of the greatest reasons the beautiful SG community really appeals to me. For the short time I've been included I have already felt the warmth and open-hearted nature from all here who have taken the time to break the ice with me. Not to mention I get to exist in a realm where so many gorgeous women, who are out of my league, actually dig on nerdy shit too!
Thank you everyone here for making me feel welcome. And may the force be with you!

good luck on the restaurant - I may have make a special trip up your way when you get that going
Ive been lucky on the crush thing in that they so far are all over seas and I'm married and dont need that temptation - lol