....well long time not typey type, ive moved to the big smoke and have myself a nice little room adorned with all my posters and decorations of which to get high in, lounge around in, play guitar in, make love in, tis great......
....my life is one swayey, colourful psychedlic meadow as of late, everything in such vivid technicolour and the presence of a beautiful goddess who is dunking me under with pleasure...
....im doing some volunteer work at artSPACE on K rd, which looks as though it is going to be pretty cool indeed...and afterward i can go scour the 2nd hand bookshop and smoke cigarettes and just observe life around me, hehe
had a trip of a weekend, literally, the colourful mushroom wonders providing a night of dazzling geometry, butterflie flurried laughter and music that seemed to swallow me from the inside, Mechanical Animals is an album that totally blows me away on the shroomies, they stampede through the door with those pure lucid sexy elevationary guitar riffs...ALL hail OMEGA!

....watched peej rip up at the 2003 BigDayOut on the box, i could feel the energy pulsating through me the backing musicians making me fear they were going to run away there was so much musical power, way cool, all the people morhping into a bluey-purply sea of swirling faces, time seemd to stand still whilst i contemplated just how cool it must feel to have a huge stack of amps behind you, a fire-red Gretsch Broadkaster and a heart beating for the beauty of music. WOW
have a rad week everyone

i hope to have my lappy and a phone-line that actually works in a few weeks so ill be more active on this wicked site

ill put more pics on tomorrow if i can afford the internet cafe fee- lend us a quid?!
Edited to say:
I absolutely love that you love Riki Oh. What a terrif flic.
[Edited on Sep 08, 2005 12:07AM]