I read the news today....oh boy
...hehe this headline had us in stitiches of laughter at around 4:30am on Sunday morning in the oh-too-familiar green halo of one of the many BP Connects scattered around the big smoke,,,,what a depressing headline for Sunday, jesus the news seems to only exist to highlight whats wrong and fucked up in this world, why cant it be happy news.......i just refrain all together now
....heads full of some extremely potent wallpaper, patterns emerging and colours so bright and glowy
....the last place i wanted to be was a BP blowing my already dwindling funds on their shitty food, mountains of sugar and fat, yuck, i ended up creeping myself out over it in that state it seemed so wrong, all for health me at the moment having a love affair with broccoli and fresh juices seems much more desireable than chowing down pockets of fat that only temporarly satisify or pacifiy more the like...
....anyway the weekend was a ripper...one that seemingly came out of nowhere.....being almost penniless from such a glorious week of cinema, when me lovely bud TATA said hey man, were all dropping acid tonight, dont worry about a thing, i had a feeling that this night was going to be a rip-snorter......ill try condense all the non-sensical madness into a semi-decipherable form....
....set-up the tripping rooms with multi-coloured lights, lava lamps and matresses and the projector creating thescene of hours of laughter, EASY STREET came out of nowhere, it sounds like madness and it was, i came up playing my guitar until the colours became too much, the vibration of the strings against my fingers and obviously the desire to nut out with my buds; we danced, had sock sliding competitons on the slick floorboards, drew, smoked, laughed our fucking asses off to the point of pain, open mouth in the rain, and the coolest thing was the heavy electrical show the sky was putting on for us, lightening cutting the sky, thunder shaking the very foundations of the room it seemed, yet i found the whole strom oddly calming, even as some were screaming this is it man........the floods are here hehe..................
so yes a beautiful trip indeed and whats better i feel charged full of life in such a positive way.....didnt even have a comedown; thanks to our organisation, the next day was spent all snuggled in bed together, a cinema on the wall as we watched Garden State and Sky Captain............i loved the first, fucking hilarious, yet the second kinda washed me....just looked to fake and Angelina had an eye-patch!!!
topped off by some decadent Indian and fresh breads and dips and fountains of juice....mmmm......
...also went to the MISERY exhibition at Illict HQ (a.k.a raddest store ever!)...totally blew me away, WOW! her style just is out of this world and so beautiful....my favourite was Dreamboat if i had to pick one to buy (yeah right...tis but a dream), i loved the whole Octopus imagery, this really came to live whilst riding upon lucy's back, such the trip, came away ffrom that exhibtion utterly inspired and really wanting to get my tattoo.........
...one more week of the film festival....if only they were on all the time, hehe, i would be broke and square-eyed but my imagination rich waterfalls of colour and imagination...ahhh.....
heres this weeks agenda:
Sorceress of the New Piano
Le Couperet
Z Channel: A Magnificent Obession
have a rad weekend all out there in SG land

...hehe this headline had us in stitiches of laughter at around 4:30am on Sunday morning in the oh-too-familiar green halo of one of the many BP Connects scattered around the big smoke,,,,what a depressing headline for Sunday, jesus the news seems to only exist to highlight whats wrong and fucked up in this world, why cant it be happy news.......i just refrain all together now

....heads full of some extremely potent wallpaper, patterns emerging and colours so bright and glowy
....the last place i wanted to be was a BP blowing my already dwindling funds on their shitty food, mountains of sugar and fat, yuck, i ended up creeping myself out over it in that state it seemed so wrong, all for health me at the moment having a love affair with broccoli and fresh juices seems much more desireable than chowing down pockets of fat that only temporarly satisify or pacifiy more the like...
....anyway the weekend was a ripper...one that seemingly came out of nowhere.....being almost penniless from such a glorious week of cinema, when me lovely bud TATA said hey man, were all dropping acid tonight, dont worry about a thing, i had a feeling that this night was going to be a rip-snorter......ill try condense all the non-sensical madness into a semi-decipherable form....
....set-up the tripping rooms with multi-coloured lights, lava lamps and matresses and the projector creating thescene of hours of laughter, EASY STREET came out of nowhere, it sounds like madness and it was, i came up playing my guitar until the colours became too much, the vibration of the strings against my fingers and obviously the desire to nut out with my buds; we danced, had sock sliding competitons on the slick floorboards, drew, smoked, laughed our fucking asses off to the point of pain, open mouth in the rain, and the coolest thing was the heavy electrical show the sky was putting on for us, lightening cutting the sky, thunder shaking the very foundations of the room it seemed, yet i found the whole strom oddly calming, even as some were screaming this is it man........the floods are here hehe..................
so yes a beautiful trip indeed and whats better i feel charged full of life in such a positive way.....didnt even have a comedown; thanks to our organisation, the next day was spent all snuggled in bed together, a cinema on the wall as we watched Garden State and Sky Captain............i loved the first, fucking hilarious, yet the second kinda washed me....just looked to fake and Angelina had an eye-patch!!!

...also went to the MISERY exhibition at Illict HQ (a.k.a raddest store ever!)...totally blew me away, WOW! her style just is out of this world and so beautiful....my favourite was Dreamboat if i had to pick one to buy (yeah right...tis but a dream), i loved the whole Octopus imagery, this really came to live whilst riding upon lucy's back, such the trip, came away ffrom that exhibtion utterly inspired and really wanting to get my tattoo.........

...one more week of the film festival....if only they were on all the time, hehe, i would be broke and square-eyed but my imagination rich waterfalls of colour and imagination...ahhh.....
heres this weeks agenda:
Sorceress of the New Piano

Le Couperet

Z Channel: A Magnificent Obession


have a rad weekend all out there in SG land

Contest Update for 8.7.05