....YUM, this totally made my MONDAY morning
...oh to imagine the fun one little skinny white boy could have with Eva and Shera,,,in a place far away in the clouds, hehe.....
....its been a rainy floaty week of sorts; its been great, ive enjoyed sitting by the windows, watching the rain paint patterns on its way down; stretched out on the carpet with Ani playing at 3am really is quite beautiful; time seems to seemingly just evaporate and hang in the balance on an invisible wire............
....i dont let the rain get me down
....actually i quite embrace its power, especially at this time of year when the wonderful Psilocybe subaeruginosa is appearing just a stroll from my house.......its was quite surreal day where by I just randomly happened to be walking by this park where i had obtained them years before yet all evidence seemd sadly washed away; until i went looking in a really out of the way spot with no avail and then BOOM, like out of nowhere i had myself around half a kg of the magical wonderous fungus.......needless top say this patch has been fruting every two days with all these wetness and rain.....just gotta tell the big man to bring on the frosts and itll be fungi wild-fire......
...hehe so thanks to the hallucination of technology that is the Internet i have gained such insight and knowledge into the humble mushroom;TheShroomery so i have been able to dry them and convert them into a fine powder to sprinkle in my morning berry-laden smoothie (not every day of course, one must be responsible with psychedelic gifts, heh).......im acutally planning my first mushroom experience for tomorrow early in the morning somewhere beautiful as it is a full moon and hopefully supposed to be nice yummy weather; the sort where you can see your breath painting the air , with the company of good friends indeed.....
....i watched a mindfuck of a film entitled The Story of Ricky last week....wow, really hyper-kinetic and violent as hell....the cover bills it as a cross between Evil Dead 2. The Matrix and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre....normally quotes like this turn out to be totally full of shit, however this movie totally blew me away; it was nice having a superhero who just looked human; no big green torso; no skin tight cape contraption, just a mean looking hong kong dude you will kick the shit out of you if your a bad bumbling guard dressed in blue......i so wished i had seen it at the Incredible Film Festival in Auckland when it played; would have been a right experience!
.....been quite creative as of late; been lost in my guitar playing; so much in fact that the other night I must have been playing in such a way as to apply unnessacary pressure to my knee and when i stood up an hour or so later, it was totally dead and i was hobbling round occasionally tipping towards the ground.......heh
...also been playing with my favourite toy, Adobe Photoshop....so enjoy some creation i have conjure up in this rainy week where ones imagination can set sail......

...oh to imagine the fun one little skinny white boy could have with Eva and Shera,,,in a place far away in the clouds, hehe.....


....its been a rainy floaty week of sorts; its been great, ive enjoyed sitting by the windows, watching the rain paint patterns on its way down; stretched out on the carpet with Ani playing at 3am really is quite beautiful; time seems to seemingly just evaporate and hang in the balance on an invisible wire............
....i dont let the rain get me down

...hehe so thanks to the hallucination of technology that is the Internet i have gained such insight and knowledge into the humble mushroom;TheShroomery so i have been able to dry them and convert them into a fine powder to sprinkle in my morning berry-laden smoothie (not every day of course, one must be responsible with psychedelic gifts, heh).......im acutally planning my first mushroom experience for tomorrow early in the morning somewhere beautiful as it is a full moon and hopefully supposed to be nice yummy weather; the sort where you can see your breath painting the air , with the company of good friends indeed.....

....i watched a mindfuck of a film entitled The Story of Ricky last week....wow, really hyper-kinetic and violent as hell....the cover bills it as a cross between Evil Dead 2. The Matrix and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre....normally quotes like this turn out to be totally full of shit, however this movie totally blew me away; it was nice having a superhero who just looked human; no big green torso; no skin tight cape contraption, just a mean looking hong kong dude you will kick the shit out of you if your a bad bumbling guard dressed in blue......i so wished i had seen it at the Incredible Film Festival in Auckland when it played; would have been a right experience!

.....been quite creative as of late; been lost in my guitar playing; so much in fact that the other night I must have been playing in such a way as to apply unnessacary pressure to my knee and when i stood up an hour or so later, it was totally dead and i was hobbling round occasionally tipping towards the ground.......heh
...also been playing with my favourite toy, Adobe Photoshop....so enjoy some creation i have conjure up in this rainy week where ones imagination can set sail......

and can come along with those 2 honeys up there?