She comes along
She gets inside
She makes you better than, anything you've tried
It's in her kiss
Black as sea
And it runs deeper than you, dared to dream it could be
With teeth
With teeth
With teeth
With teeth
Wave good bye
To what you were
The rules have changed, the lines begin to blur
She makes you hard
It comes on strong
You finally found, the place where you belong
With teeth
With teeth
With teeth
With teeth
........i finally got myself a copy of Trent's new masterpiece, jesus christ, its fucking invaded me, its just growing and growing and the high is getting better and better......i am praying to the gods they tour here, i have only seen em at the Big Day Out but that was incredible, brings to the surface such pulsating energies; plus seeing them with their own show will be such the trip, even the DVD i have springs to live with all the lights and stage apparatus......
been listening to lots of music lately, well whats new, on high rotation are:
Siouxie and the Banshees
Bikini Kill
My Bloody Valentine
got sent a marvellous package in the mail the other day from my friend Sabine in Germany who has a PJ Harvey site, well i was blown away pretty much everything i have be looking for like fucking EVER!, i was so happy, having never seen REELING, i was buzzed all over when watching it; polly is just so cool, esp the scene with Steve Alibni setting his feet on fire; when she has had one too many Long Island Ice tea and is doing signing practise and when Maria Mochnacz is shooting the cover for 4-Track Demos...just so rad, polly is just pure sex, she fucking rips...
.....in back in my home town now, its nice, the temperature has dropped from blazingly hot sun kissed days into dew covered bight ocean bluey hued mornings that are just so sexy, esp when one rises to see the frosts fingers paiting marvellous shapes in the grass........yes im in love with the mornings atm, even trying to get fit, going for a walk each morning with a different album on my headphones....its so rad we have a river by where i live, so i walk through the shadows down there away from the big city; Where a man can not be free; Of all of the evils of this town ..And of himself, and those around.....Oh, and I guess that I just don't know, hehe sorry i love that song, been learning it on the guitar, nothing beats acoustic velvet underground, wow...
Speaking of guitars, i picked myself up a wicked one just the other day through this beautiful hallucination of technology that is the Internet, its a beautiful 1970's hollow body univox; im so happy with it and i cant believe i got it for a sweet price and its so lovely to play and so light so my slight frame doesn't get all twisted up from being weighed down, its pretty much an almagamtion in my perception of things of everything cool i like about Polly's guitars, my ultimate desire was a old skool Gibson Firebird with sexy sunburst but they are WAY outta my price range or a Gretsch Broadcaster or a Rickkenbacker, heh one can dream, but im real happy with it....check it out

...ive spent the whole morning entering competitions as they are due today; one is for $1000 just for 40words on an advertisement for this wicked Burger Joint we have over here, BURGERFUEL, it really is delectable, like a party in your mouth and everyone's invited to quote Moe, heh......40 words is so hard!, i had to keep cutting down my idea!
...hope everyone has a rocking weekend

Angelina in the sky, heh,

do doo dooo dooo do do doooooo dooooooooo . . . .