.....its been a crazy, hedonistic, creative three weeks in the big apple of New Zealand, it all started when i went camping at this beautiful pictueresque waterfall just out of Auckland on the Easter long weekend, it was so much fun, the weather was as erratic as ever; with thick grey clouds of impending doom constantly looming in the vast expanse above; yet they never came to fruition minus one violent downpour which sent us scrambling in a drunken stumble towards the shelter of the super-tent...............the gods then smiled and bathed us in yellow rays of goodness for the rest of the time: much exploring, drinking and laughter followed...........since then i have been staying in Auckland with the tatabeast and jim....
........i am going to this tonight, im so fucking excited, i love everything Illicit...
....my time here has been great, time seemingly just evaporating into nothingness, days spent lying in the sun, drinking beer, smoking pot, drawing, photoshopping, making my fingers bleed on my black guitar, i have been learning lots of songs of late, im in love with the following:
Sympathy for the Devil- Rolling Stones
Satellite of Love and Perfect day - Lou Reed
house of the rising sun- the Animals
missed, 30, mansize, i think im a mother- PJ
......had the privlege of seeing some rad bands while ive been here, most notably the sonic infusion of Gods Q, they really rip shit up......
....in between our hedonistic endless nights of LSD soaked lunacy i have been indulging my passion for creating mouth-watering delights in the kitchen.....The Godfather trilogy has been playing all the time on SKY, so being my favourite movie in the whole world i often find hours disappearing as i bask in the world of Michael Corleone....also i have been inspired to cook Italian meals for us to feast on.....i made a kickass sauce from the Godfather logic the other night, riddled with fresh herbs, garlic, spiced tomatoes, feta and lots of red onion, simmered for four hours...........mmmmmmmmmmm........................
...have taken lots of pictures of my partners in crimes of pleasure, such is the beauty of digital photography:
.....one late night stroll which started at some random party which was actually really good, rocking music, cool people; an over-abundance of MaryJane.......we met this dream dog, i swear it was the most magnificent dog i had ever seen, its fur was softer than soft, it looked like a shimmering wolf you would find in some Warcraft themed computer game....Richard was especially besotted with this wonderful creature!
.....im heading home after another crazy weekend of mayhem, gotta sort some stuff out, finally get my webpage up and cure my sore-back from too many nights of crashing on floors, even though ive made a very comfy pillow-laden makeshift bed that induces very intense dreams indeed.....
.....ill leave this entry with some of my recent photoshop sessions, using my friends laptop up here as made me realise just how badly i need one, creativity on the move!
rock out everyone
........i am going to this tonight, im so fucking excited, i love everything Illicit...

....my time here has been great, time seemingly just evaporating into nothingness, days spent lying in the sun, drinking beer, smoking pot, drawing, photoshopping, making my fingers bleed on my black guitar, i have been learning lots of songs of late, im in love with the following:
Sympathy for the Devil- Rolling Stones
Satellite of Love and Perfect day - Lou Reed
house of the rising sun- the Animals
missed, 30, mansize, i think im a mother- PJ
......had the privlege of seeing some rad bands while ive been here, most notably the sonic infusion of Gods Q, they really rip shit up......
....in between our hedonistic endless nights of LSD soaked lunacy i have been indulging my passion for creating mouth-watering delights in the kitchen.....The Godfather trilogy has been playing all the time on SKY, so being my favourite movie in the whole world i often find hours disappearing as i bask in the world of Michael Corleone....also i have been inspired to cook Italian meals for us to feast on.....i made a kickass sauce from the Godfather logic the other night, riddled with fresh herbs, garlic, spiced tomatoes, feta and lots of red onion, simmered for four hours...........mmmmmmmmmmm........................
...have taken lots of pictures of my partners in crimes of pleasure, such is the beauty of digital photography:

.....one late night stroll which started at some random party which was actually really good, rocking music, cool people; an over-abundance of MaryJane.......we met this dream dog, i swear it was the most magnificent dog i had ever seen, its fur was softer than soft, it looked like a shimmering wolf you would find in some Warcraft themed computer game....Richard was especially besotted with this wonderful creature!

.....im heading home after another crazy weekend of mayhem, gotta sort some stuff out, finally get my webpage up and cure my sore-back from too many nights of crashing on floors, even though ive made a very comfy pillow-laden makeshift bed that induces very intense dreams indeed.....
.....ill leave this entry with some of my recent photoshop sessions, using my friends laptop up here as made me realise just how badly i need one, creativity on the move!

rock out everyone

[Edited on Apr 17, 2005 3:48PM]