In photographs
I've seen him laugh
Man overboard
Sun on his back
-PJ Harvey- Sweeter than Anything
...ive had this song floating throughout my mind this entire weekend....must be something to do with the sun and the delicate fingers of the wind.......had some spectacular weather this weekend which totally had me sky-high in the realms of good moods!.... friends Chris and Roshanne came to stay for the weekend as we had a 21st to attend and being three stoner buddies who inhabit our own fun little world we embarked on many adventures......the party itself was fun, excesses of free alcohol being provided for our drinking pleasure, with some people not merely satisfied with a glass of wine...instead opting for whole bottle....nicely chilled of course! you'd imagine, their were some twisted motherfuckers at the end of the night; a few people ended up falling in the pool in a drunken stupour, it seemed like such fun with lights around it; revealing a glistening blue blanket....yet i managed to avoid the pushing games thank god....the night culminated in everyone coming to my house for a big fat session, which turned chris into a raving lunatic, all primed on bubbly and too much sensai, he proceeded to try and attack people with pool ques, jumping out from various apparatus...........good times.... day was fun, we flushed our hangovers away with some spirilina, water and one hell of a fat doobie that Roshanne skinned up and went to the gardens, very much like a dream, in such a state of wonder......this was followed much streatching out on the grass and making out the apparations of the clouds., observing all the little bugs in the grass and making up stories about their lifes, and this extremely sticky fly we named jumpy cause it would jump on your hand and stick there for endless amounts of time....hmmm, yeah...........and this trippy multi-coloured caterpillar that was hanging out on a tree and really making us go
...i have never seen one like it before!
...whacked out colourful caterpillar
Spaced in an Italian garden wonderland
....then onto the musuem and the art gallery before indulging in one extremely decadent iced-chocolate, it was so good that it induced silence amongst us...i love it when the ice-cream is all melty and slides down your throat with ice-cold trails burning inside your stomach........this was followed by visiting some friends, more joints being rolled in neat raspberry flavoured papers, and then the traditional indian munch-out that is now a custom amongst me and was so fucking good, they left for the big city in the evening after Roshanne made me a 'waterfall'...hehe, so i floated into bed lost in my dreamworlds and slept such a satisfiying sleep that i feel completely replenished today
.............i have been quite the busy man with photoshop as of late, attempting to assemble a portfolio and get onto putting up my is some of my creations and JaMes makeShift studio, in our perception
James floating in the sky
Aria in the sky
Me all Tripped out....
Trippy flower
....have a great week everyone
I've seen him laugh
Man overboard
Sun on his back
-PJ Harvey- Sweeter than Anything
...ive had this song floating throughout my mind this entire weekend....must be something to do with the sun and the delicate fingers of the wind.......had some spectacular weather this weekend which totally had me sky-high in the realms of good moods!.... friends Chris and Roshanne came to stay for the weekend as we had a 21st to attend and being three stoner buddies who inhabit our own fun little world we embarked on many adventures......the party itself was fun, excesses of free alcohol being provided for our drinking pleasure, with some people not merely satisfied with a glass of wine...instead opting for whole bottle....nicely chilled of course! you'd imagine, their were some twisted motherfuckers at the end of the night; a few people ended up falling in the pool in a drunken stupour, it seemed like such fun with lights around it; revealing a glistening blue blanket....yet i managed to avoid the pushing games thank god....the night culminated in everyone coming to my house for a big fat session, which turned chris into a raving lunatic, all primed on bubbly and too much sensai, he proceeded to try and attack people with pool ques, jumping out from various apparatus...........good times.... day was fun, we flushed our hangovers away with some spirilina, water and one hell of a fat doobie that Roshanne skinned up and went to the gardens, very much like a dream, in such a state of wonder......this was followed much streatching out on the grass and making out the apparations of the clouds., observing all the little bugs in the grass and making up stories about their lifes, and this extremely sticky fly we named jumpy cause it would jump on your hand and stick there for endless amounts of time....hmmm, yeah...........and this trippy multi-coloured caterpillar that was hanging out on a tree and really making us go

...whacked out colourful caterpillar

Spaced in an Italian garden wonderland

....then onto the musuem and the art gallery before indulging in one extremely decadent iced-chocolate, it was so good that it induced silence amongst us...i love it when the ice-cream is all melty and slides down your throat with ice-cold trails burning inside your stomach........this was followed by visiting some friends, more joints being rolled in neat raspberry flavoured papers, and then the traditional indian munch-out that is now a custom amongst me and was so fucking good, they left for the big city in the evening after Roshanne made me a 'waterfall'...hehe, so i floated into bed lost in my dreamworlds and slept such a satisfiying sleep that i feel completely replenished today

.............i have been quite the busy man with photoshop as of late, attempting to assemble a portfolio and get onto putting up my is some of my creations and JaMes makeShift studio, in our perception

James floating in the sky

Aria in the sky

Me all Tripped out....

Trippy flower

....have a great week everyone

as for being excited about my birthday- I AM. I am having a ickle party at a club in brighton, hopefully some of my friends will come
[Edited on Mar 15, 2005 11:26AM]