...well finally the sun gods have smiled upon our lush green land and painted it with corpsucules of scattered light rendering many beautiful days of rich deep blue skies and fluffy clouds riding the ebb and flow of a very chilled out summer period.....
...it makes such a beautiful change from the thick grey blanket that was smothering our skies for what seemed like months, cast into the dark ages with unforgiving skies and wind scattered rain...although that was prime weather for catching up on some dvd watching
....so summer has been good to me....life is so rich at the moment, i have no committments of any kind and i feel as light as air, my imagination and creative drive fuelled into outer-realms by the smell of summer, the people around me, the adventures we embark upon, the endless array of mix tapes to drive around the contryside too....
i love drinking beer whilst droplets of water are sliding down the bottle in the intoxicating heat.
...rolling joints with blueberry flavoured rizlas and getting baked on the rocks, in the sand, on little coves at the dead of night....watching the world morph, seeing edward munch themed 'SCREAM' faces haunting the dark reccesses of the sand at night from moonlight scattered illusions...
...observing a whole bunch of big seagulls and their cute little babies, imagining their way of life, laughing hysterically when they unleash a barrage of shit all over pauls blinding-white hat...
...swimming out deep and scaring eachother with Great White myths and lines from Jaws....carrering down the waves at a blinding pace arms outstreched giggling in the white wash....burying my feet in that soft quicksand-ish type sand at the waters edge.......
...applying Aloe Vera cool gel to my glowing body...that sensation feels spine-tinglingly good...
...smoking cigarettes in the silhouettes of trees at the dead of night...long adventourous walks, talks of dreams and destiny....fresh paninis and blueberry rich smoothie goodness......
....wow, i got a little carried away...yeah i love summer and that i have no direction, hehe, it feels great not being locked into some plan for the year....so who knows, as long as each day is filled with beauty and fun and creativity then im one smiling motherfucker....
so yes....plans for this week is to make like a Photoshop ninja and create!!!.....my Canon 300D is proving to be an invaluable purchase....and its so sweet how it is on a pay-plan...ahh...
....so more pictures yes, i have taken ever so many since i finally equipped myself with a digital beast...
peace out everyone

...it makes such a beautiful change from the thick grey blanket that was smothering our skies for what seemed like months, cast into the dark ages with unforgiving skies and wind scattered rain...although that was prime weather for catching up on some dvd watching

....so summer has been good to me....life is so rich at the moment, i have no committments of any kind and i feel as light as air, my imagination and creative drive fuelled into outer-realms by the smell of summer, the people around me, the adventures we embark upon, the endless array of mix tapes to drive around the contryside too....

i love drinking beer whilst droplets of water are sliding down the bottle in the intoxicating heat.
...rolling joints with blueberry flavoured rizlas and getting baked on the rocks, in the sand, on little coves at the dead of night....watching the world morph, seeing edward munch themed 'SCREAM' faces haunting the dark reccesses of the sand at night from moonlight scattered illusions...
...observing a whole bunch of big seagulls and their cute little babies, imagining their way of life, laughing hysterically when they unleash a barrage of shit all over pauls blinding-white hat...
...swimming out deep and scaring eachother with Great White myths and lines from Jaws....carrering down the waves at a blinding pace arms outstreched giggling in the white wash....burying my feet in that soft quicksand-ish type sand at the waters edge.......
...applying Aloe Vera cool gel to my glowing body...that sensation feels spine-tinglingly good...
...smoking cigarettes in the silhouettes of trees at the dead of night...long adventourous walks, talks of dreams and destiny....fresh paninis and blueberry rich smoothie goodness......
....wow, i got a little carried away...yeah i love summer and that i have no direction, hehe, it feels great not being locked into some plan for the year....so who knows, as long as each day is filled with beauty and fun and creativity then im one smiling motherfucker....

so yes....plans for this week is to make like a Photoshop ninja and create!!!.....my Canon 300D is proving to be an invaluable purchase....and its so sweet how it is on a pay-plan...ahh...
....so more pictures yes, i have taken ever so many since i finally equipped myself with a digital beast...
peace out everyone

It was sweeeet 

My buddy was saving up to go to New Zealand, but ran into some law trouble. Eep. I should have him read your journal, b/c you've made me want to go. I want to travel again, but don't have much time or money. I might get a ten day trip in to Costa Rica, but I always dream dream dream and don't get to do do do ask much as I want. I feel torn, ten days, it seems an injustice. But I have had to teach myself that something is better than nothing, and that three months of travel, or a year, is not always possible.. *sigh* Always off in dreamland, meanwhile my reality crumbles to pieces.