....well its been a while since i layed my fingers on my own keyboard....i am back home after well without being at all cheesy, the time of my life, five PJ shows, each electrfiying and all transporting me to the outer realms of my imagination and consciousness, such a concentrated shot of inspiration that im still on the clouds viewing the world now from a totally different perspective....
...so yeah, great times, met some beautiful people too, so nice to met friendly, lovely people enthused about life who you dont have to slip into a skin in order to communicate with them, much talk about dream and destiny, the ultimate smoothie mixture, and of course music and more music....
....well christmas came and went....i had all my shopping missions completed before i arrived back, so that eased a lot of stress had i left it to the last minute which is oh to familiar...plus being in foreign metropolitan cities meant there was a wealth of new and novel gifts to adorn people with, so it was qutie the pleasure....
i find xmas i kind of funny time, we do the family thing and all, yet i find it hard to commincate without superficiality at such events, because i seem to inhabit another space completely, but it turned out alright, after sinking a few beers and feasting on a truly over-the-top feast of decadent delights and a forest of berries through which i ran widly everyone was all smiles and rendered incapacitated by such a huge meal....ohh christmas...i slept so well that night after a joint, it was lovely, seriously didnt need to eat for the next few days.....
as for the contents of my santa Sack there was some cool goodies...

i got this rad book from my Nana filled with beautifully warped paintings from the likes of Mark Ryden and Camilla Rose Garcia....

...my brother had this trippy Pink Floyd lithograph fixed up for me...i often find myself swimming inside the colours before i descend into the realms of sleep...
and yeah, other stuff, cool jeans and t-shirts, some rare Polly footage i managed to find on my travels and lots of choc and all that...mmmmm

.....everyone in New Zealand i seemingly asking themselves, Where the FUCK is summer?..well me especially...its alarmingly cold over here for January and the radiant sun and blueberrie hued skies have been replaced by a depressing grey vacum of hazy skies as of late....im so eager to get to the beach and just trip out, relax, swim, sunbathe, put my bare feet through the crunchy summer grass.....hopefully it will come sunny and summery with a vengance and tear through the depressing grey blanket...
...so yeah....new year?....another day another dollar....hmmm...no seriously, i didnt do much for new Year for once, and it felt really good...we had a huge night the night before with close friends and herbal pills, it was great, although no sleep meant we were quite tired the night of New years eve.....and it was bucketing down with rain, so that didnt really help matters too much....i ended up just chilling at home, an empty house, with just me and a killer music mix, some top shelf jamacian rum, lots of pot and my imagination...was very cool really.......my friend Chris came round about 1am and we finished the bottle off, got way high and talked about destiny and creativity and stuff, then crashed out watching Simpsons re-runs...yeah, i had fun....it seems funny to me how people go nuts about New year, as though its this huge deal, when in reality its more like the only time they have off from the work machine....i like to go to the beach and be able to move and breathe, not be in the thick of a mass of showponys and macho drunken types....ewww
well hope everyone is having a fun new year!,
rock out

Its got Alex Gross in there, muh favorite.
good times.
You have suave taste in films..although i'd be lying if I said that Lost Highway didn't put me to sleep