I'm walking in the city tonight
I'm walking in the city at dark
Remembering, remember light
Thinking of nothing and the shooting stars
And this world tonight is mine
A world to be remembered in
Think on a faded photograph
My hair longer than its ever been
And then the sky lit up
and Im lighter than ive ever been
-PJ Harvey The Sky Lit Up
....walking to work each day with PJ on my headphones makes it bearable knowing that each day is closer to my trip..im so excited, everything is pretty much organised which is alarming for me!....only 19 more sleeps to go, hehe.im like a little kid anticipating the bulging sacks that appear when the clock turns to signify Christmas
been having fun lately, which is greatjust hanging out with friends, enjoying the sunshine, doing a bit of skateboarding and biking along the riverpaths with music playing in my ears, nothing beats some Led Zeppelin and Beatles on a nice glowy morning when the sun illuminates all the beauty of the trees and flowers around me.trees are very trippy I think, so intricate
had a Guy Fawkes party at my house, it was quite funny really, fireworks are quite lame, but still it brings back waves of nostalgiaI used to love fireworks when I was little, I was entranced by them, the volatility of them, testing the limits, firing flaming balls from my hands.hmm not much has changed, other than double happys and sky-rockets dont exist, which sucks, all there seems to be know is showering ones and oversized roman candles that go boom and then a smatter of crackling in the sky.they are even banning sparklers over here because people have been making bombs and performing anarchy on letterboxes and what not.i was witness to one on the night, very fucking loud, I had expected less, my little 14 year old brother who is in the whole teenage-pyro stage was raving about how cool they were.and hes kinda right, the neighbours didnt see the fun in it though.jesus its Guy Fawkes the one day when you can make the biggest motherfucking BOOM you can devise!
had a cool party on the weekend, catching up with old friends, free top shelf spirits and lots of buds, ending up lying on a bed for most of the night surrounded by people listening to Bob Dylan, the Beatles and Pink Floyd on vinyl, my mind was in the sky. I was so high I could barely move off the bed, man I love vinyl, the sound quality is just heavenlygot a very maniacal, violent and shit-talking cabbie for the ride homeglad I was in the back, he was acting like some kind of Terminator-like being saying the no one repeat no-one has ever pulled off a successful runner from my cab, and about how he had some sense that he could always predict when people were going to do a runner, a floors it so they fall out of the door.sounded like a bunch of shit to me, was kinda tempted to do a runner just to test this guys theory!...
.it was an amazingly ethereal day on Sunday, I was still in a lackadaisical glowy headspace from the cool night before.my friends James and Emma picked me up and we headed off the beach with the White Stripes cranking, admiring the marvellous apparitions in the sky and the lush green mountains with faces made by the unrepentant wind..
.sun was ablaze, got ripped and then hit the water, like a sucker punch in the face, life as a waterfall caressing my body with spine-tingling fingers, it was so good, free in the ocean, water washing over, the crash of the foamy waves.it was my first swim of summer and it was refreshing to no end.I love the ocean!
got the yummiest ice-cream ever too I swear, like premium sexual vanilla with fresh raspberries and blueberries streaked throughout with reckless abandonmmmmm.im pretty tomatoed out though, the sun is strong force and has left me a little amber and what not, but thats cool really.I love rubbing moisturiser to cool it down
.oh yeah and Halloween!!!, had a blast, friends had a party up in the big smoke, was very cool, ended up being a trip of a weekend actually.went up with some friends and we ended up staying in a hotel in the middle of Auckland, as my friends Angela is working up there for six weeks and the company has given her a studio apartment.so needless to say it was very rad, spent most of the time smoking joints on the windowsill, looking down at the people below like birds suspended in the air, and enjoying the benefits of staying somewhere plush
If found the big city is alright when your chilled, like elimination of parking worries and needless bullshit like that, went to Real Groovy, which is ridiculous really considering im saving.but I was strongwent to the IlicitHQ tattoo shop, coolest shop ever, it was like a dream, colour dripping of walls, art coming alive everywhere, dudes getting tattooed behind the counter, punkish rock cranking loud and hot pierced and tattooed dark haired girls running the jointI talked to a tattoo artist about my piece, her art is insanely trippy, so im definitely going to go to her.wont have the dosh to do it before my trip, so will have to get when I get back..
Oh yeah and the Halloween party.it was a blast, smoke crawling up the walls, a bathtub of blood with a floating severed head, decadent dips inside scary Dracula heads, Marilyn Manson blasting, beer flowing, and creatures all around.some of the costumes were very cool, and they even had a little cave with a big ass paper mache spider inhabiting it and soundbites from classic cult horror films.very cool I thought.
.we turned up with a gimp, a painted up, jumpsuit wearing freak bearing a scary resemblance to John Wayne Gacy, a mummified Angela and Nat going as erm, Lorraine Bobbit with a big fuck-off knife, thought that was hilarious!, oh and I was little red riding hoodenjoy the photos.
I'm walking in the city at dark
Remembering, remember light
Thinking of nothing and the shooting stars
And this world tonight is mine
A world to be remembered in
Think on a faded photograph
My hair longer than its ever been
And then the sky lit up
and Im lighter than ive ever been
-PJ Harvey The Sky Lit Up
....walking to work each day with PJ on my headphones makes it bearable knowing that each day is closer to my trip..im so excited, everything is pretty much organised which is alarming for me!....only 19 more sleeps to go, hehe.im like a little kid anticipating the bulging sacks that appear when the clock turns to signify Christmas
been having fun lately, which is greatjust hanging out with friends, enjoying the sunshine, doing a bit of skateboarding and biking along the riverpaths with music playing in my ears, nothing beats some Led Zeppelin and Beatles on a nice glowy morning when the sun illuminates all the beauty of the trees and flowers around me.trees are very trippy I think, so intricate
had a Guy Fawkes party at my house, it was quite funny really, fireworks are quite lame, but still it brings back waves of nostalgiaI used to love fireworks when I was little, I was entranced by them, the volatility of them, testing the limits, firing flaming balls from my hands.hmm not much has changed, other than double happys and sky-rockets dont exist, which sucks, all there seems to be know is showering ones and oversized roman candles that go boom and then a smatter of crackling in the sky.they are even banning sparklers over here because people have been making bombs and performing anarchy on letterboxes and what not.i was witness to one on the night, very fucking loud, I had expected less, my little 14 year old brother who is in the whole teenage-pyro stage was raving about how cool they were.and hes kinda right, the neighbours didnt see the fun in it though.jesus its Guy Fawkes the one day when you can make the biggest motherfucking BOOM you can devise!
had a cool party on the weekend, catching up with old friends, free top shelf spirits and lots of buds, ending up lying on a bed for most of the night surrounded by people listening to Bob Dylan, the Beatles and Pink Floyd on vinyl, my mind was in the sky. I was so high I could barely move off the bed, man I love vinyl, the sound quality is just heavenlygot a very maniacal, violent and shit-talking cabbie for the ride homeglad I was in the back, he was acting like some kind of Terminator-like being saying the no one repeat no-one has ever pulled off a successful runner from my cab, and about how he had some sense that he could always predict when people were going to do a runner, a floors it so they fall out of the door.sounded like a bunch of shit to me, was kinda tempted to do a runner just to test this guys theory!...
.it was an amazingly ethereal day on Sunday, I was still in a lackadaisical glowy headspace from the cool night before.my friends James and Emma picked me up and we headed off the beach with the White Stripes cranking, admiring the marvellous apparitions in the sky and the lush green mountains with faces made by the unrepentant wind..
.sun was ablaze, got ripped and then hit the water, like a sucker punch in the face, life as a waterfall caressing my body with spine-tingling fingers, it was so good, free in the ocean, water washing over, the crash of the foamy waves.it was my first swim of summer and it was refreshing to no end.I love the ocean!
got the yummiest ice-cream ever too I swear, like premium sexual vanilla with fresh raspberries and blueberries streaked throughout with reckless abandonmmmmm.im pretty tomatoed out though, the sun is strong force and has left me a little amber and what not, but thats cool really.I love rubbing moisturiser to cool it down
.oh yeah and Halloween!!!, had a blast, friends had a party up in the big smoke, was very cool, ended up being a trip of a weekend actually.went up with some friends and we ended up staying in a hotel in the middle of Auckland, as my friends Angela is working up there for six weeks and the company has given her a studio apartment.so needless to say it was very rad, spent most of the time smoking joints on the windowsill, looking down at the people below like birds suspended in the air, and enjoying the benefits of staying somewhere plush
If found the big city is alright when your chilled, like elimination of parking worries and needless bullshit like that, went to Real Groovy, which is ridiculous really considering im saving.but I was strongwent to the IlicitHQ tattoo shop, coolest shop ever, it was like a dream, colour dripping of walls, art coming alive everywhere, dudes getting tattooed behind the counter, punkish rock cranking loud and hot pierced and tattooed dark haired girls running the jointI talked to a tattoo artist about my piece, her art is insanely trippy, so im definitely going to go to her.wont have the dosh to do it before my trip, so will have to get when I get back..
Oh yeah and the Halloween party.it was a blast, smoke crawling up the walls, a bathtub of blood with a floating severed head, decadent dips inside scary Dracula heads, Marilyn Manson blasting, beer flowing, and creatures all around.some of the costumes were very cool, and they even had a little cave with a big ass paper mache spider inhabiting it and soundbites from classic cult horror films.very cool I thought.
.we turned up with a gimp, a painted up, jumpsuit wearing freak bearing a scary resemblance to John Wayne Gacy, a mummified Angela and Nat going as erm, Lorraine Bobbit with a big fuck-off knife, thought that was hilarious!, oh and I was little red riding hoodenjoy the photos.

I yearn for a life like yours....free to travel and do whatever I want.
I'd love to get to the point where I could listen to an album each morning on my headphones, or take a nice, peaceful walk at daybreak...