....Natalie seems to take Friday the 13th a bit far by trying to stab poor Angela...
..wow i just awoke from the most randomly weird dream ive had for ages....i came home early this morning after a great nite out with some friends i hadn't seen in ages, after indulging in one too many Long Island Ice Tea's we headed back to my friend Sarah's place and being Friday the 13th and all, spent the early hours recalling our favourite horror movies over the times....
id have to go for 'Friday the 13th' part one, just so classic and campy and fun...Suspiria, Evil Dead, Child's Play and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original)...
...the moon was in full glow, the air was kinda unsettled, moss creeping through the crack in the concrete, it was so fitting and after smoking pot it was one of those moments where you kinda transcened the ordinary and dance hand in hand with your imagination, i felt like a little kid telling ghost stories round some camp fire blanketed in that pungent aroma of smoke and the cracking of dry wood emitting showers of glowy embers....
...anyway i came home after crashing out for a while to the comfort of my own bed, and had the trippiest dream, total Lycheque infestations...its impossible to describe but ill attempt...
the world was real small and everything was seperated by canals,my friend Gareth was driving this fucked-up barge like thing that was really just a slab of metal with like this weird oar type object, the sky kept changing colour, and everything was so near but a feeling of a vast unknown was creeping in.... everything turns dark and were in some kind of tunnel, one of those old school brick ones...and there is this scary little vampire style dog with hooves that starts running along the water chasing us, scaring the fuck outta as...the barge took on Grand Theft Auto style rules as we drove everywhere up and over things to get away...but still it persisted....this went on for ages until we accepted our fate....next minute this vampire type dog is pulling faces and starts talking and the water morphs into highways with desolate deserts everywhere the eye scans and its driving an old school Chevy Convertable telling us the history of the world........totally whacked out, man i love dreams, especially weird, non-sensical ones...where you gotta take time out upon waking and be like whoah what the fuck is real anymore...
...tell me some of your whacked out dream stories...id love to see how far other peoples imaginations are bending...
...i so love mark ryden's imagery, so much room to dream..its beautiful...

..wow i just awoke from the most randomly weird dream ive had for ages....i came home early this morning after a great nite out with some friends i hadn't seen in ages, after indulging in one too many Long Island Ice Tea's we headed back to my friend Sarah's place and being Friday the 13th and all, spent the early hours recalling our favourite horror movies over the times....
id have to go for 'Friday the 13th' part one, just so classic and campy and fun...Suspiria, Evil Dead, Child's Play and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original)...
...the moon was in full glow, the air was kinda unsettled, moss creeping through the crack in the concrete, it was so fitting and after smoking pot it was one of those moments where you kinda transcened the ordinary and dance hand in hand with your imagination, i felt like a little kid telling ghost stories round some camp fire blanketed in that pungent aroma of smoke and the cracking of dry wood emitting showers of glowy embers....
...anyway i came home after crashing out for a while to the comfort of my own bed, and had the trippiest dream, total Lycheque infestations...its impossible to describe but ill attempt...
the world was real small and everything was seperated by canals,my friend Gareth was driving this fucked-up barge like thing that was really just a slab of metal with like this weird oar type object, the sky kept changing colour, and everything was so near but a feeling of a vast unknown was creeping in.... everything turns dark and were in some kind of tunnel, one of those old school brick ones...and there is this scary little vampire style dog with hooves that starts running along the water chasing us, scaring the fuck outta as...the barge took on Grand Theft Auto style rules as we drove everywhere up and over things to get away...but still it persisted....this went on for ages until we accepted our fate....next minute this vampire type dog is pulling faces and starts talking and the water morphs into highways with desolate deserts everywhere the eye scans and its driving an old school Chevy Convertable telling us the history of the world........totally whacked out, man i love dreams, especially weird, non-sensical ones...where you gotta take time out upon waking and be like whoah what the fuck is real anymore...

...tell me some of your whacked out dream stories...id love to see how far other peoples imaginations are bending...

...i so love mark ryden's imagery, so much room to dream..its beautiful...
and they trampolined me off the building, lol.
crazy shit.