...this is a photo i took on saturday nite whilst extremely high after smoking hash and drinking Jagermeister at my best friends 23rd birthday party, it trips me out because i was enchanted by the candles we put around the dolls head... imagining them a threads of golden light, weightless and floating... and it all came out on camera...anyway..
...yeh party was cool, seen some friends i havent seen for ages, lots of drinking and pot smoking, one dude was nice enough to bring some hash, was rad, set up a projector and watched music vids in the background....
...had to leave really early in the morning, that wasn't as cool, especially after not sleeping a wink, body all twisted from uncomfortable positions on the couch...my vision had the film grainy haze all the way down the motorway...lucky i wasn't driving....
...hopefully moving soon, go away be inspired and do some writing and music stuff before hopefully headn overseas into the beautiful ocean of the unknown....
...here's some photos of me jamming out on the drums from the other night...i really don't know what id do without music, its just such a beautiful thing....

"cease to resist, giving my goodbye
drive my car into the ocean
you'll think im dead but i sail away
on a wave of mutilation
a wave
man i love the Pixies!
peace out

i just saw a preview of a new one from that director on
cant remember the name, but it looks bad assed.
i think it was like on ju or some 2 letter word shit.
when i saw this i laughed so hard....
i thought it was the best kitty pic i have ever seen.