oh rosemary,
your golden womb
open up wide'
release the child inside
going out with the tide
eyes burning wide
i seem him
riding around world.....
....ive written lots of lyrics lately, they are just pouring out a smattered in books and paper all over the show...i must have watched rosemary's baby that week....heh
....things are rosy as of late, still drifting in between places thanks to flat drama but my creative buzz has returned with considerable force; campin it at my olds house for a few days, sampling summer fruits of the buddy kind of just jamming on guitar till my hands hurt and my fretboard is as slippery as an oil spill...
...almost won lotto the other weekend, well my numbers came up but in different lines; buzzy stuff kinda; first thing i would buy would be a Gretsch Broadkaster, gibson sg firebird and a fender jagstang and a huge fuckoff orange Ad 30 amp and some more pedals, hehe..i heart daydreaming......
...have been sorting the computer here and found lots of celluloid, enjoy
have a rocking halloween everyone, me partner in crime, the TATABEAST is throwing a little devilish bash at his house; if any sgrs in auckland wanna come feel free...............i think i am going to do something in the form of the vampire genre this year.....

your golden womb
open up wide'
release the child inside
going out with the tide
eyes burning wide
i seem him
riding around world.....
....ive written lots of lyrics lately, they are just pouring out a smattered in books and paper all over the show...i must have watched rosemary's baby that week....heh
....things are rosy as of late, still drifting in between places thanks to flat drama but my creative buzz has returned with considerable force; campin it at my olds house for a few days, sampling summer fruits of the buddy kind of just jamming on guitar till my hands hurt and my fretboard is as slippery as an oil spill...
...almost won lotto the other weekend, well my numbers came up but in different lines; buzzy stuff kinda; first thing i would buy would be a Gretsch Broadkaster, gibson sg firebird and a fender jagstang and a huge fuckoff orange Ad 30 amp and some more pedals, hehe..i heart daydreaming......
...have been sorting the computer here and found lots of celluloid, enjoy

have a rocking halloween everyone, me partner in crime, the TATABEAST is throwing a little devilish bash at his house; if any sgrs in auckland wanna come feel free...............i think i am going to do something in the form of the vampire genre this year.....

stay in touch.