Can't sleep lately...probably because of the new apartment. bleh
C2E2 coming up quickly...working like a mad woman lately
Other than that I've been kind of going crazy on vine!! you should check it all out. I'm wannabejubilee if you care to look my profile up. I get pretty entertaining from time to time lol
Oh yeah and I just recently got my new pride and joy
This thing is incredible. It plays records and hooks up to an ipod or iphone. It was created by one of my good friends and you should all check him out at his new website to possibly get your own unique creation SUITBASSCOMPANY
I also saw the new Evil Dead recently. You should all go see it. I seriously couldn't of imagined it re-done better.
Before EVIL DEAD lol
Hahaha yeah I almost didn't make it to the premere because of work.
oh i almost forgot. Don't forget to leave my set still in member review Assets some love. Alissa did an awesome job creating a babe out of me and I hope with your help and support I turn pink soon.
Anyways that's all for now. Goodnight my sweets
Yours truly
C2E2 coming up quickly...working like a mad woman lately

Other than that I've been kind of going crazy on vine!! you should check it all out. I'm wannabejubilee if you care to look my profile up. I get pretty entertaining from time to time lol
Oh yeah and I just recently got my new pride and joy

This thing is incredible. It plays records and hooks up to an ipod or iphone. It was created by one of my good friends and you should all check him out at his new website to possibly get your own unique creation SUITBASSCOMPANY
I also saw the new Evil Dead recently. You should all go see it. I seriously couldn't of imagined it re-done better.
Before EVIL DEAD lol
Hahaha yeah I almost didn't make it to the premere because of work.
oh i almost forgot. Don't forget to leave my set still in member review Assets some love. Alissa did an awesome job creating a babe out of me and I hope with your help and support I turn pink soon.

Anyways that's all for now. Goodnight my sweets
Yours truly


Am. Going to. C2E2. Also as a zombie hunter