Saturday Aug 12, 2006 Aug 12, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Had a dream about a Liz Phair song, but now can't remember which one. Searching begins. VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS necia: I hate it when that happens! And honestly, it happens to me a lot. The dreaming of miscellaneous, not-immediately-identifiable songs, that is. So frustrating. Gah. Aug 15, 2006 gnunat: i usually night-dream songs in specifics, but day-dream in generals... though Never Ending Story was a part of Awake-Nap in class today; Atreyuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! Aug 17, 2006
And honestly, it happens to me a lot. The dreaming of miscellaneous, not-immediately-identifiable songs, that is.
So frustrating. Gah.
though Never Ending Story was a part of Awake-Nap in class today; Atreyuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!