Let's see, saw the new Pirates movie last night. It was good, but there's a heavy cliffhanger to the third one, which was a bit irritating. I have to decide in the next hour whether it's worth my eight bucks to see it again with another group of friends. I'm rescheduling toe surgery so I might eventually get back into a pair of climbing shoes. Hank III was the oddest concert I ever went to. A baby rabbit showed up in the garage today, and died shortly after we found it.
Over the July 4th weekend I discovered that A) no one goes to clubs on July 4th weekend, and B) relearning your alcohol tolerance is nasty business. Third time will be the charm, hopefully. Still got to spend a few days with Justin though, so much fun was had.

I decided (through seeing Pirates 2 with a group of people whom I'm really not that close to) that the best litmus for friendship is this: in a post-apocalyptic world infested with the living dead, do I trust you with a gun? Do you feel lucky, punk? Do you?
I'm not much of a fighter, anyway. *sigh*
Or a heavyweight drinker, actually, so fighting for a whole bottle might be not-so-worth it.