The 4th was decent. Tomorrow, Abnormal Psychology! Finally, all the years in the rubber room will pay off!
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Thursday Jul 13, 2006
Efforts to get into better shape...nnnnot so good. I should not buy a… -
Sunday Jul 09, 2006
I got into a fight with the iron. The iron won. It's like fighting th… -
Friday Jul 07, 2006
Let's see, saw the new Pirates movie last night. It was good, but the… -
Wednesday Jul 05, 2006
The 4th was decent. Tomorrow, Abnormal Psychology! Finally, all the y… -
Tuesday Jul 04, 2006
Depression strikes! 8pm and no July 4th plans. I could call someone u… -
Friday Jun 30, 2006
Wedding in Iowa: they're hitched. Biology: done with, A style. Now, f… -
Monday Jun 19, 2006
I am procrastinating as I study for yet another Tuesday test. Tomorro… -
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
I'm frustrated by my body chemistry. Add Novocaine to the list of thi… -
Monday Jun 12, 2006
A 4 credit class in 5 weeks makes for an exam every Tuesday. Blarg. I… -
Thursday Jun 01, 2006
Update to Son of Update: Les Claypool and Rasputina come to the Quest…
Welll, they're not entirely naked but there isn't much left to the imagination. I think the UK is slightly (only very slightly) a little bit more lax about nudity.