Update to Son of Update: Les Claypool and Rasputina come to the Quest on Sunday the 11th this month. It's at 7:00, 18+, 20 dollars in advance. I'm planning on going. You should too. Let me know if I can plan on seeing your shining faces.
Son of Update:
Thanks for the birday wishes! I saw Violent Femmes and Moon Maan that night. Both bands were really good, and a good night was had.
My friend from the army had leave for Memorial Day Weekend and came home to hang out. It was most excellent He wanted to go to a club, so I took the opportunity to scratch one Citypages Best Of by checking out the Level. It had about a dozen people in it that Sunday. It did have cheap drinks, but they were also weak drinks, so I don't know what to think of their Citypages review. At least we didn't have to pay cover. After a couple drinks there I convinced my friend that going to the Gay 90s wasn't going to get him booted from the army, we went over there to fulfill populated boozing and dancing.
I'm not sure what it is about myself and my friends, but every friend that has been reluctant to go there because they're afraid to be hit on by guys has gotten multiple offers. Apparently my friend got about half a dozen offers, 3 from one very stubborn individual. It's funny because I've never been hit on once there. Maybe I should feel insulted. Friend's attempts at wooing women didn't work out the way he wanted. Let that be a lesson to him: khakis and a white polo shirt may work in a military town, but at the 90s you're just risking sailor jokes. I had much fun getting tipsy and dancing however, even having a faux-rave dance off with a girl/woman (when is it appropriate to switch uses?) who had an excellent mohawk. I also saw a friend from theatre (making up in part for missing her goodbye party earlier this week, she's off to ply her trade in Hollywood) , as well as the wife and two daughters of the director of the musical I did. THAT was interesting. One of his daughters always ushers shows, and she recognized me just as the first effects of alcohol hit me, and as my friend ran off (infantry:drag show :: oil:water). My friend is convinced that "I just wanted to say hi, don't let me keep you" means she wanted me to stay and flirt. Entertaining thought, but I'm more convinced that he's a looney.
Other weekend going-ons: gathered some 9 high school and college friends to see X-Men 3 and make with the Perkins run as a late birthday gathering. Good times, laughter, and one of them gifted me with a bottle of 12 year old Jameson whiskey! Score!
This week marks the start of my 5 week, 4 credit Biology: Cells to Organisms class. It will be work, but it should be fun. Biochemistry is really interesting to me, and I was nearly giddy today going over macromolecules today. Hopefully the labs will be interesting and useful. I know the first part of any science course seems to require covering the Scientific Method, but we had to expose milimeter long crustaceans to alcohol and caffeine yesterday to test their effects on heartrate.
Raise your hand if you DIDN'T know alcohol is a depressant, and caffeine is a stimulant. Ok, now raise your hand if you think it's a bit retarded to give tiny crabs heart arrhythmia because you need practical experience in testing a hypothesis and graph drawing. I'm still grey and torn on the subject of animal rights and suffering, but it doesn't sit well with me. I'm sure the class would be far more appreciative if instead they were given alcohol and caffeine, anyway.
I'm on a new medication for depression, and it may actually be working. Fabulous. Then again, a birthday week of friends. music, dancing, moderate alcohol consumption and intellectual excitement may be the culprit. Either way, I do not object.

Son of Update:
Thanks for the birday wishes! I saw Violent Femmes and Moon Maan that night. Both bands were really good, and a good night was had.
My friend from the army had leave for Memorial Day Weekend and came home to hang out. It was most excellent He wanted to go to a club, so I took the opportunity to scratch one Citypages Best Of by checking out the Level. It had about a dozen people in it that Sunday. It did have cheap drinks, but they were also weak drinks, so I don't know what to think of their Citypages review. At least we didn't have to pay cover. After a couple drinks there I convinced my friend that going to the Gay 90s wasn't going to get him booted from the army, we went over there to fulfill populated boozing and dancing.
I'm not sure what it is about myself and my friends, but every friend that has been reluctant to go there because they're afraid to be hit on by guys has gotten multiple offers. Apparently my friend got about half a dozen offers, 3 from one very stubborn individual. It's funny because I've never been hit on once there. Maybe I should feel insulted. Friend's attempts at wooing women didn't work out the way he wanted. Let that be a lesson to him: khakis and a white polo shirt may work in a military town, but at the 90s you're just risking sailor jokes. I had much fun getting tipsy and dancing however, even having a faux-rave dance off with a girl/woman (when is it appropriate to switch uses?) who had an excellent mohawk. I also saw a friend from theatre (making up in part for missing her goodbye party earlier this week, she's off to ply her trade in Hollywood) , as well as the wife and two daughters of the director of the musical I did. THAT was interesting. One of his daughters always ushers shows, and she recognized me just as the first effects of alcohol hit me, and as my friend ran off (infantry:drag show :: oil:water). My friend is convinced that "I just wanted to say hi, don't let me keep you" means she wanted me to stay and flirt. Entertaining thought, but I'm more convinced that he's a looney.
Other weekend going-ons: gathered some 9 high school and college friends to see X-Men 3 and make with the Perkins run as a late birthday gathering. Good times, laughter, and one of them gifted me with a bottle of 12 year old Jameson whiskey! Score!
This week marks the start of my 5 week, 4 credit Biology: Cells to Organisms class. It will be work, but it should be fun. Biochemistry is really interesting to me, and I was nearly giddy today going over macromolecules today. Hopefully the labs will be interesting and useful. I know the first part of any science course seems to require covering the Scientific Method, but we had to expose milimeter long crustaceans to alcohol and caffeine yesterday to test their effects on heartrate.
Raise your hand if you DIDN'T know alcohol is a depressant, and caffeine is a stimulant. Ok, now raise your hand if you think it's a bit retarded to give tiny crabs heart arrhythmia because you need practical experience in testing a hypothesis and graph drawing. I'm still grey and torn on the subject of animal rights and suffering, but it doesn't sit well with me. I'm sure the class would be far more appreciative if instead they were given alcohol and caffeine, anyway.
I'm on a new medication for depression, and it may actually be working. Fabulous. Then again, a birthday week of friends. music, dancing, moderate alcohol consumption and intellectual excitement may be the culprit. Either way, I do not object.
friends. music, dancing, moderate alcohol consumption and intellectual excitement may be the culprit. Either way, I do not object.
Since we do not know whether it is meds or such festivities, I vote that the pattern of tipsy friendly intulectual dancing continue untill further notice, Dr. Earl's Orders.
also, Re: June 10th Pub Crawl, would you be able & willing to drive my drunk ass home afterwards?? Damn this whole "being a lightweight" stuff.
if not, 'scool, yo... we definately need to find more 21+ friends that do not drink.