So my blogs are few and far between usually but someone asked me to blog about one of my new past times so I figured I should......
I have recently been dipping into the pleasures of paddling...not the leather s&m kind but kayaking. The Colorado river is wonderful and there is an awesome outfitter in Bullhead City who takes care of anyone interested in trying it out.
How can you say no to fun like this?: (Keep in mind I know these are overexposed but I tried to turn the exposure down as dark as I could with my little trasher camera. DAMN YOU BIG BRIGHT SUN!)

This last one was me right after I lost another pair of sunglasses to the river!
I have recently been dipping into the pleasures of paddling...not the leather s&m kind but kayaking. The Colorado river is wonderful and there is an awesome outfitter in Bullhead City who takes care of anyone interested in trying it out.
How can you say no to fun like this?: (Keep in mind I know these are overexposed but I tried to turn the exposure down as dark as I could with my little trasher camera. DAMN YOU BIG BRIGHT SUN!)

This last one was me right after I lost another pair of sunglasses to the river!

Maybe I should be more active, it seems to agree with you.
It lookssssssssssss sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful and amazing there!!!