2/25/74 to 3/24/05
So, I thought I was having a heart attack yesterday....No shit.
I was at the gym when I started to feel this intense pain under my sternum, and this odd feeling of obstruction--kind of like I had swallowed a golf ball and it had lodged itself in my chest.
As I'm a realitively intelligent guy, I did what any similarly situated individual would do under the same circumstances...I proceeded with my workout and then treated myself to a shrimp taco. Ironically enough, the pain only got worse.
Clearly, there was only one thing left to do at this point: go home and polish off a bottle of wine. Although the symptoms failed to subside subsequent to my liquid indulgence, I was finding it a bit easier to come to terms with my impending death.
Finally, in a moment of weakness, I called my brother--the doctor....the OBGYN. (hey, a doctor is a doctor is a doctor). It's funny, everytime I call into question his ability to properly diagnose one of my maladies because of his particular speciality he takes great joy in telling me, "I only went into this field because you're such a pussy." Ahh....big brothers. Sometimes I honestly believe that he became an OBGYN just so he could use that line on me.
Long story short, my brother's diagnosis was immediate: Hiatal Hernia, a relatively innocuous condition that pretty much subsides on its own. He was also careful to point out that heart problems in 31 year olds don't normally present this way, unless you're on coke. Which I'm not. So we're cool.
One of my co-workers who is "sans car" made me drive her there to get peanutbutter and 12 bottles of wine. Not to be eaten together but that was her list.
I had a medianoche and some tostones. It was good to cure my massive beer intake. Woke up today with a smile.
Sunday nights are sad cause I have to go back to work Monday and for as much as i love my job my bed is way more comfy than my chair.
Im off to Anthropologie to get handles for my drawers.
Let me know when you will be back on this side and we can set up a little date. Would love to pick your brain....
i shaved my ex's long hair chihuahua completely bald once,,, i have proof of that in my pic secction somewhere. he wasn't very happy about that one...
and whoever would even think of stealin your babies from you would be a really cold bitch...