Anyone could see that the wind was a special wind this night, and the darkness took on a special feel because it was All Hallows' Eve. Everything seemed cut from soft black velvet or gold or orange velvet. Smoke panted up out of a thousand chimneys like the plumes of funeral parades. From kitchen windows drifted two pumpkin smells: gourds being cut, pies being baked.


Halloween is the night we discover who we are. Are we people who make zombie armies? Are we those who condemn others? Or are we beautiful children in resplendent costumes collecting candy? Are our choices in costumes provocative? Do we dress up as our ideal self, or are we not ready to decide what to be? Do you see it now? We use this one...
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No attacks on a civilian population is ever acceptable for any reason or as a response and anyone ordering such be they terrorist, general, or president should be removed from power and brought to justice as soon as possible.

On September 11th 2001 a group of mostly Saudi Arabian terrorists attacked the United States killing nearly 3000 people. This was a monstrous act. Never for a moment believe I think otherwise.
In response we launched an attack of Afghanistan looking for a man known to operate out of Pakistan. Doing so crippled our own intelligence gathering apparatus in the region delaying his capture by...
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And I thought I was a cynic.

If I ever meet Milton Friedman I'm punching him in the face ... he's dead? OK get me a map and a shovel since my only obligation is, apparently, to profit and he was probably buried with some really pawnable stuff. While I'm out where does Laffer live, I want to trickle down ... I mean "supply side" all over his leg.


The sunken cost fallacy is when a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it. We've spent $100,000 we can't stop now but it can be more insidious than that.
Someone tells you trans people are corrupting children and you believe them. You post horrible things, you protest, you support politicians who will attack, and...
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When a politician builds his course on hatred of a certain cohort of people, it is disgusting. People with weak critical thinking abilities always need to hate or condemn someone. Because this is the easiest topic to discuss, not like economics, education, personal responsibility
The years 38 and 66 in Alexandria, 1348 Toulon, 1391 Barcelona, Valentine's Day 1349 in Straussburg, over 500 communities between 1348 and 1350 across Europe, 1370 Brussels, 1389 Prague, 100,000 men women and children in modern day Ukraine between 1648 and 1657, 1770's Poland, 1790's Russia, 1800's Russia, 1900's Russia, and of course Germany in the 1930's and 40's. This isn't close to a full...
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@pistache Here in the US trans people are being targeted by our conservative extremists in government and media with a smear and disinformation campaign that mirrors the way anti-Semites throughout history have provokes lethal attacks on Jewish communities. This is happening to a level where is the combination of laws being put forward in Florida are passed just being outwardly trans in public will be against the law, and potentially punishable (not exaggerating) by death.
That is terrible! It really makes me sad to know that.