- on chef's photo
- on bayley's blog post
- on jt_07_w's blog post
- on lilithmarie's photo
- on Tummies in plus sized women
- on
So yea, it's been a bit of an up and down kind of year. We are currently looking to sell our house. If we can then there is a chance we might move across the country. Most likely to Washington State. We are tired of living here in the south. (Would move out of the country if we could tbh)
My bday is coming up....
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Currently on the road with the wife headed down to Orlando for a few days! :)
My username is jtward on there if anyone else is playing. Send me your username and I'll add you.
Ive got a show coming up on September 30th. I am so looking forward to it! It's at a local venue so I won't have to travel for it. I am looking to book a few shows here and there throughout the rest of this year but planning to start booking more frequently after the new year. I'd love to book a few out of...
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Son last night I decided to try some flan for the first time. Mind you it was some crap from Walmart in a plastic cup. I get home, eat a few bites, decide I don't like it and throw the rest away. Little while later my tongue starts feeling a bit funny so I go to tell my wife @ellis_shaw. I open my mouth to...
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I have officially started back playing again. It's been awhile and I am so glad to be back at it. Felt like a huge part of my life was missing and I can feel it coming back. You can check out some clips from last night's show on my Facebook.
Why? Well just because :)
It has been awhile since I have been able to get on. Been busy sorry.
I have been working to get back into performing music and have started a page dedicated to it. Please do me a massive favor and go like it please.
Also my wife and I went kayaking. It was so much fun.
Been very active here lately. Have been busy and haven't had much time to get in here. Hopefully I'll have some time to get back on here soon
Me covering This is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco.