So I had my first SG shoot (unofficially on my part since it was for a friend... but hell I'll still call it my first SG shoot) yesterday instead of on Saturday. It went pretty well, though I was having trouble creating interesting lighting since there was a big window in the room and nothing to cover it... but I made due, it was a little flat for my liking but not bad. Shot in a bathroom (why the have a big window in their bathroom and nothing covering it I don't know) with a big bathtub, did the whole bubble bath thing. It was pretty cute as far as shoots go. Anyway I won't be able to post any images I guess until the set gets approved and then put up (oh yes, the power of positive thinking).
Ah... heh... oh well... Thanks for the heads up and the good luck wishes.
yea i was just going to say that before lisseth said it, you should read their report output on what they're looking for and what they're not..but if it's good theyll accept it, so don't worry! and it's always good to pracitce