Im gone on the 24 of feb. to kiwi-ville to FINALLY get out of the ##$#@% rain and do some climbing. also cement forming can suck my tiny little bawrs. Work=money=climbing=sufferfest=fun? yeah...
on a more serious note I spoke at length with my old climbing mentor/ bad influence. He made me realise that sunny days spent on 60ft rocks do not build character, further the spirit or create greater awareness of the universe. This only happens at 3:30 am, minus 25c 10,000 ft level. One persons "extreme experience" is anothers weak excuse at living. So anyone want to go alpine climbing? cold, wet scary as shit, but builds character. I need to start drinking again, helps me ignore shit like this.
on a more serious note I spoke at length with my old climbing mentor/ bad influence. He made me realise that sunny days spent on 60ft rocks do not build character, further the spirit or create greater awareness of the universe. This only happens at 3:30 am, minus 25c 10,000 ft level. One persons "extreme experience" is anothers weak excuse at living. So anyone want to go alpine climbing? cold, wet scary as shit, but builds character. I need to start drinking again, helps me ignore shit like this.

how long you gonna be there?
holy shit you'd live there?