You little white stick of hate, with your cheery little colour screen and smooth lines, your everything I detest about the world. Your a disposable, poorly made peice of trend shit. I hope your marketing team comes down with a hideous case of crabs. Your support page is a web of lies and propaganda, I think in your dark little heart you never intended to work. I hate you Ipod nano, with your faulty 4 gig hard drive and your frozen little screen, and all your friends who say "just reboot, it fixes everything" well If I had my way Id send you into low orbit to burn in atmospheric hades, scorched and maimed.
Also I hate the kids on the STA travel page, with their "funky" hats and vacant smiles "the world is AWESOME and Im going to change it today!!!" well I got news for you, fucker, your gonna change 2 things, Jack and shit, and jack just left town, go backpack through what ever euro trash/thai/tibetan/siberian tourist trap you like, just dont get all "it changed me" when all you did was get slobering drunk in some rat infested hostile and puke on the floor, try to screw some even more drunken girl/boy and brag to you stupid frat buddies about it. And by the way that girl who picked you up at the bar, cause you were soooo hot, that was a dude.
Try to beat that for a rant.
Also I hate the kids on the STA travel page, with their "funky" hats and vacant smiles "the world is AWESOME and Im going to change it today!!!" well I got news for you, fucker, your gonna change 2 things, Jack and shit, and jack just left town, go backpack through what ever euro trash/thai/tibetan/siberian tourist trap you like, just dont get all "it changed me" when all you did was get slobering drunk in some rat infested hostile and puke on the floor, try to screw some even more drunken girl/boy and brag to you stupid frat buddies about it. And by the way that girl who picked you up at the bar, cause you were soooo hot, that was a dude.
Try to beat that for a rant.

daaaamn. that was a rant and a half. I bow down to thee, o rant master.
Oh, happy day!