Had the pleasure of sharing a hot tub and too much wine with meeks and kelvie then back to the island.
I've said it before, but Im starting to get sick of living on the sand pile, it's just so easy to have no one around, pure freedom from just about everything. The trade off is that this little box becomes my portal to the rest of my generation, yes all of you are shaping what I determine to be "normal" behavior, scary huh?

I've said it before, but Im starting to get sick of living on the sand pile, it's just so easy to have no one around, pure freedom from just about everything. The trade off is that this little box becomes my portal to the rest of my generation, yes all of you are shaping what I determine to be "normal" behavior, scary huh?

Yeah my pops is totally embarassed since he found out I told the briefcase story to my class.
i'm not sure, it depends if I can find myself a driver. if there's a driver about, then yeah, i'll be on here speaking drunken broken pseudo english
i'll keep ya posted