I'm feeling a little more grounded, sent some time with good people and got nice and beer drunk last night. Nice to be in the city, very foggy and cool. Drove to whistler, very weird, just drove up walked around then drove back down, 2 hours each way. Kind of felt like going home which was unexpected, saw a few people I hadn't seen in months and just felt... good I guess, mabey going back would be good, snow, climbing and people my age. whish I could afford a place somewhere up there. Also thinking of buying a 40ft wooden fishboat, drinking more rum and wearing thick swaters and chuging around the coast at 8 knots. It would be very cool to re-build a boat, yes I know how much work it is.Then there's the whole buying land in Powell river, which is starting to seem like a pain in the ass, I dont think I really want to live there, but It could be a good 2 year investment.
so thats my plan, If you can get anything concrete out of it let me know wontcha?
so thats my plan, If you can get anything concrete out of it let me know wontcha?

Laurien's is at 15th and marine
now I'll have to worry about getting beaten up out of class too
[Edited on Nov 24, 2005 10:21PM]