Well I left hawaii where it was 86 degrees. fly home to the tricities for a few days where it was frickin 14-23 degrees. and here i am, about to catch my plane already to DC. God I hope its warmer there or at least has snow lol. See ya all next time I roll through and hello to all the new people i get to meet finally.
More Blogs
Thursday May 31, 2007
Spent all last weekend at six flags, season passes are great! -
Friday May 25, 2007
New picture for those who care, enjoy -
Wednesday May 23, 2007
Why am i still here? Seems like everyone I knew that was on this sit… -
Friday May 04, 2007
i need to get out. anyone for a date? -
Sunday Mar 25, 2007
ive decided to cancel my SG account. It seems all my friends are leav… -
Sunday Mar 11, 2007
Birthdays suck. 25, enough said. -
Sunday Feb 18, 2007
So I'm adopting a 3yr old boy. I just turned in the adoption appli… -
Wednesday Feb 07, 2007
WOOOHOOO! My Honda CR-V made it in from hawaii. Just gotta go down t… -
Thursday Feb 01, 2007
damn cold....i need some soup.... -
Wednesday Jan 24, 2007
SWM ISO.... Something to do this weekend. Want to get out and be a…