So once again I'm making my annual trip through the Tri-Cities. This time though things will be much different as I transition from Active Duty life once again into Civilian life. Granted the wonderful new world of the Air Reserve awaits but the steps are still rather scary. No more safety net, no more guarenteed housing, no more guarenteed food, and especially no more guarenteed job. If you havent already heard I start my Terminal leave on the 12th of Jan 2007. I still havent been hired for a position yet, though I have been looked at for a few and been looking for near 3 months. I'll be arriving in Kennewick on the 12th and expect to leave the 15th or 16th to fly to DC where I expect by that time I will be employed. Time is sure coming to an end here in Hawaii fast though in most ways I'm looking forward to the change, I'm kind of bummed I didnt accomplish all that I had set out to do. And as far as short goes I have 5 workdays left to boot! Well seeing as this bulletin has turned more into a blog I guess I'll copy and paste it there too. Aloha and Happy Holidays, Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

at least it's fun here.
although, i'm sure i would miss Hawaii, too.

Merry Christmas!!