This made me laugh.
"It's every man's dream to have a penis so large that he must hire a small boy to carry it."
This is from Maddox's website.
Nothing new. Going to school everyday. You know the drill. But I'm almost down. The semester is ending.
I'm pretty excited for summer. My oldest friend Erik and I are gonna dive into the world of WoW. I hear this game steals your soul. And that's fine with me. It's not like I'm using it.
it didn't even taste like beef jerky

"It's every man's dream to have a penis so large that he must hire a small boy to carry it."
This is from Maddox's website.
Nothing new. Going to school everyday. You know the drill. But I'm almost down. The semester is ending.
I'm pretty excited for summer. My oldest friend Erik and I are gonna dive into the world of WoW. I hear this game steals your soul. And that's fine with me. It's not like I'm using it.
it didn't even taste like beef jerky
Thank you for are great!

is that good?? i hope so lol