Holy crap. Conan O'Brien is just the funniest. I'm sitting here watching old reruns of the show from before christmas and let me tell you, this is funny shit. How can you beat a guy that has a show with the world's fastest manorah, the bunjee jumping baby jesus, and the rocket powered fruitcake? Well you know what bitch? You can't.
Crap, lets not forget vomiting Kermet the Frog. No, no, can't forget that.
Woah, what the fuck? As I just finished typing the last paragraph (which I'm very proud of), Conan's show was cut off mid sentance at 4am on the dot to make way for some business news show.
I need to write NBC a letter.
Well, I gotta write my paper now. Uh, take care.
Crap, lets not forget vomiting Kermet the Frog. No, no, can't forget that.
Woah, what the fuck? As I just finished typing the last paragraph (which I'm very proud of), Conan's show was cut off mid sentance at 4am on the dot to make way for some business news show.
I need to write NBC a letter.
Well, I gotta write my paper now. Uh, take care.
you are too kind