Well, the college semester is off and rolling again. I'm taking what I consider a hefty load: 18 hours.
World history - 3 hrs
Music history - 3 hrs
Applied clarinet - 3 hrs
Psychology of human sexuality - 3hrs
Group piano III - 1 hr
Wind symphony - 1hr
Music theory II - 4 hrs
It's safe to say I'm going to have a stressful four months or so.
Aiki's leaving.
Commenting on a couple of your journals got me thinking about this girl again. Her and I, we go back pretty far... But for unknown reasons, we never clicked. Throw into the mix this other girl (also from my past) that has resparked my intrest, and you have a poor confused Mike. What to do, what to do?
Well, the answer is easy: nothing.
I've never been much of a dater. It's just not my thing. In real-life, I just don't do well with that kind of stuff. I sure got shafted when they were handing out talents to newborn babies. I got stuck with music instead of anything resembling social skills of any kind. Ain't that a bitch. You'd think there would at least be money is music, but there isn't. Haha. What a rip-off.
Enough. Take care folks.
World history - 3 hrs
Music history - 3 hrs
Applied clarinet - 3 hrs
Psychology of human sexuality - 3hrs
Group piano III - 1 hr
Wind symphony - 1hr
Music theory II - 4 hrs
It's safe to say I'm going to have a stressful four months or so.
Aiki's leaving.

Commenting on a couple of your journals got me thinking about this girl again. Her and I, we go back pretty far... But for unknown reasons, we never clicked. Throw into the mix this other girl (also from my past) that has resparked my intrest, and you have a poor confused Mike. What to do, what to do?
Well, the answer is easy: nothing.
I've never been much of a dater. It's just not my thing. In real-life, I just don't do well with that kind of stuff. I sure got shafted when they were handing out talents to newborn babies. I got stuck with music instead of anything resembling social skills of any kind. Ain't that a bitch. You'd think there would at least be money is music, but there isn't. Haha. What a rip-off.
Enough. Take care folks.
In a few weeks I'll have a homepage up with all (well, some) of the goings on. Until then...I'm turning some of my art into buttons...yeah!
My new crush is Ryan Dunn.