Well, it seems the hype of SG has passed for me. I no longer log in everyday and I have trouble giving a shit about new SGs and SG sets. I have been checking in to see Vanessa's new set go up, but to no avail.
Oh well.
I feel bad about being a shitty SG friend to a lot of you. Relationships with folks around the country is the best part about this site (in my humble opinion). I know first hand how awesome journal comments are. Ive shorted a handful of you concerning comments. My bad.
I think I'm gonna take a break. I won't let me account expire, but you won't be hearing from me for awhile.
I think I'll change my SG name when I come back. Jspooky has been my handle since the 7th grade, I think it's time for a change.
Anyway, farewell. I'll see you all again when the withdrawal from SG becomes too much to bare. Or maybe when I just feel like logging in again. Both are possible.
Wait, what?
are you going?
be safe dude