Thank you for all the kind words concerning Ginger. I really hope she receives treatment and a good home.
Nothing new over here. I really love my new place. I've lived here for about two and a half weeks now, and my roomie and I haven't had one problem. We're good buddies, and we also respect each others space and privacy. I think this living arrangment will work out for the long-term. Then again, it's only been two weeks, so it's a little premature to judge yet. I still feel pretty good about it. Do any of you have shitty roommate stories?
If food is they way to a man's heart, is Dave Matthews Band the way to a woman's? It just might be.
Nothing new over here. I really love my new place. I've lived here for about two and a half weeks now, and my roomie and I haven't had one problem. We're good buddies, and we also respect each others space and privacy. I think this living arrangment will work out for the long-term. Then again, it's only been two weeks, so it's a little premature to judge yet. I still feel pretty good about it. Do any of you have shitty roommate stories?
If food is they way to a man's heart, is Dave Matthews Band the way to a woman's? It just might be.
Story time: I took a bath one night and lit candles. There was the one on a shelf that I didn't think was going to burn. I didn't see a flame when I was done so I didn't bother blowing it out. Left on a trip with my mom the next day and came back a few days later to find the bathroom ceiling completely black. My fault I had to clean it, repaint and everything. One night shit hit the fan about it because my mom was taking care of it and asked him for some cash. She owed me a favor because I lent her a good lump sum. I told him to fuck off and he came unglued. He ran after me and punched my door in my face! Nonetheless he was gone shortly after that.