This weekend was a bit wierd.
Was over at C's house [note, i'm calling her "C" but it's really just the first initial of my girlfriend's name. just tryin' to keep some stuff private]. Well, she was sick. When asked about it, she said she had an "anxiety attack" last week. but she wouldn't give any more info.
Then her mom told me she was having some adverse reaction to getting back on the medication the doc prescribed.
She's fine now, but i'm just a bit worried, don't know if things like anxiety attacks are physically dangerous. i know it is more of a mental/psychological kind of thing.
just found out that the office is sending me to Charlotte, NC in October for TAACX (The Alternative Authorware Conference 10). It will be a 3 day conference on Macromedia Authorware. Besides Photoshop, Authorware is what i mostly use at work.
Also, vacation in 2 weeks.
other than that, not a whole lot more to report, hope everyone else is doing well.
I have no friends.
Was over at C's house [note, i'm calling her "C" but it's really just the first initial of my girlfriend's name. just tryin' to keep some stuff private]. Well, she was sick. When asked about it, she said she had an "anxiety attack" last week. but she wouldn't give any more info.
Then her mom told me she was having some adverse reaction to getting back on the medication the doc prescribed.
She's fine now, but i'm just a bit worried, don't know if things like anxiety attacks are physically dangerous. i know it is more of a mental/psychological kind of thing.
just found out that the office is sending me to Charlotte, NC in October for TAACX (The Alternative Authorware Conference 10). It will be a 3 day conference on Macromedia Authorware. Besides Photoshop, Authorware is what i mostly use at work.
Also, vacation in 2 weeks.

other than that, not a whole lot more to report, hope everyone else is doing well.
I have no friends.