Well friday I have to get my ass out of bed and go to get all my tax and retail numbers.I decided on 3 shirt companys to carry at first.I am going to carry 2 styles from each and the companys will be......Sin For Sale,Keith weesner and Motorcult.This will be at first the more I sell and more cash I make the more things that will be added.I picked what I feel like are some really cool designs and will also be selling my "shop" shirt with the timebomb logo on it AND I am talking to a local tattoo artest that has mad talent about selling a shirt or two with his art work on it.One other thing I am thinking of is doing a limited run of prints of some of my art work maybe 20 -30 prints per run would anyone be into buying something like that if they knew there were only 30 of them made?
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Sunday Jun 11, 2006
Man this new layout is CRAZY! I really dont know what to think about … -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
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Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
Happy 06-06-06 everyone enjoy -
Saturday Jun 03, 2006
So I went to the local car cruise lastnight,lots of nice cars there p… -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
well I went to the beatersville show sunday over in louisville and wo… -
Saturday May 27, 2006
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Thursday May 25, 2006
Well I painted the 53 red not to lang ago and now I am thinking of go… -
Friday May 19, 2006
to much to do and not enough time in the day aslo need to say that th… -
Monday May 15, 2006
dont you love it when people get mad over dumb shit,Me and friend hav… -
Wednesday May 10, 2006
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