Why do people feel the need to talk shit?I just dont understand a supervisor at work told a girl who I have become fvery good friends with and my girl has become cool with too that the only reason I talk to her is because I want to have sex with her and that my girlfrind really cant stand her and the only reason she is nice to her is to keep it profesional at work.Now this is fucking bullshit I have not talked to the guy for over a week and what we did say to eachother was like a five min. conversation and if my girlfriend did not like her I would know it trust me.The "trust no one" painting I posted the picture of was for this girl,my girlfriend knew I painted for her and did not care and it was her idea for this girl to help me out at shows when I needed it.I mean not get me wrong she is a VERY VERY goodlooking girl but we both know I have someone and we are just frinds truth be told she is almost like my little sister and I dont really look at her that way.