So I went to the local car cruise lastnight,lots of nice cars there pin striped my trunk again(looks better this time around) and striped some guys 46 chevy,he was real happy with it.Some old man walks up to me and ask me to look at his truck,flat black ford with blue flames on it the outline on them SUCKED! He ask how much will it...
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You did it the way that it feels right to you correct? If so then dont worry about it. If not then maybe you should try making up a price list board and bill by the linear foot or something, then you have a formula with which to give an estimate, and you can give people a break off of that. then you can make some money and they will feel like they got a deal, nothing a jerk likes better than a deal
I say right way, that guy was a dick he wanted YOU to do a job for HIM, he should have been polite to you. Tell him to shove his truck up his ass.
well I went to the beatersville show sunday over in louisville and work.The show was fun,fucking hot outside but fun.Met some cool paople and it looks like me and jeral tidwell will start doing some work together so thats cool.Also there are talks about next year me being a sponsor for the show so I will get more space and people could bring there cars...
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Well I painted the 53 red not to lang ago and now I am thinking of going flat black with it,why you ask well because I want to start shaving things off of it and if it is flat black then I can just get some rattle can primer and shot over the body work and not have to worry about primer spots
dont you love it when people get mad over dumb shit,Me and friend have started a car club called sinners and saints,we have the site up and running with a real nice message board so I post a link to it on a hot rod message board I go to and some guy in AZ. is in a club called the sinners,he is pissed and...
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I fucking hate family circus.
Have fun man, I'll be grease monkeying locomotives.
Dont you love it when someone is only told half of what you said and wont give you a chance to defend yourself I have just been stabbed in the back very very hard and I really dont know what will come out of this it is a sad sad day....I AM DONE

Some people find it easy to twist things around to suit their moods or purposes, even though it isn't right.
just send me a message on myspace
Sweet ride!
the car looks great