OK I'm going to do it! Spend um, too much money, on a chair. But not just any chair... The famous Herman Miller Aeron chair! I'm going to promise myself this one will last super longer than any other, and that I'll be so much more productive just by sitting in it, like that somehow justifies the cost... But I really want it :)
I really should start the Christmas shopping. I've done my lists so I know what everyone's getting. I have to admit though I haven't bought a single thing. Oops.
I do have pretty much all December off work though, so I can shop then. Oh but no, I'm busy one day in the first week of December - I'm doing my first ever SG photoshoot! Woo! :) I've got some really good ideas coming together now. At first they were fuzzy concepts, but now they're really coming into focus. I want this first photoshoot to be so well produced, so deep, so thought provoking, but still fun, that it just goes straight to the top. Can't wait till everyone gets to see it. And I have just the most gorgeous girl posing for me, so it's a sure thing :)