I am so freaked out! It's 2:05 AM as I am typing this out... and only a matter of half an hour ago, I finally decided to go through with it and get my tongue pierced.
I have kind of wanted to get it done for a long while now, just for fun! But I've been finding every excuse in the book not to... well enough is enough! My friend convinced me to just do it, so we are heading down to New Tribe tomorrow afternoon to get it done.
I will be sure to put up a post tomorrow at some point after, but man am I ever nervous to get it done! I know I shouldn't be, people get them done all of the time. I have heard mixed things about New Tribe, but of all the places I have heard of, they so far have the most people telling me about how good they are. Hell, my friend whom I am going with, had her hood pierced there, so if she trusted them with her most sensitive spot, I am pretty sure that I can trust them with my tongue.
I will be sure to take very good care of it. Non-alcohol mouth wash, a sea-salt water mix rinse, no alcohol or spicy foods or dairy, lots of cold water and ice, healthy amounts of Ibuprofen... and my friend suggested frozen lemon tea (well, there is a better name for it, but she said it's like lemon tea).
Anyhoo! That's the deal! AH!!
I am so freaked out! It's 2:05 AM as I am typing this out... and only a matter of half an hour ago, I finally decided to go through with it and get my tongue pierced.
I have kind of wanted to get it done for a long while now, just for fun! But I've been finding every excuse in the book not to... well enough is enough! My friend convinced me to just do it, so we are heading down to New Tribe tomorrow afternoon to get it done.
I will be sure to put up a post tomorrow at some point after, but man am I ever nervous to get it done! I know I shouldn't be, people get them done all of the time. I have heard mixed things about New Tribe, but of all the places I have heard of, they so far have the most people telling me about how good they are. Hell, my friend whom I am going with, had her hood pierced there, so if she trusted them with her most sensitive spot, I am pretty sure that I can trust them with my tongue.
I will be sure to take very good care of it. Non-alcohol mouth wash, a sea-salt water mix rinse, no alcohol or spicy foods or dairy, lots of cold water and ice, healthy amounts of Ibuprofen... and my friend suggested frozen lemon tea (well, there is a better name for it, but she said it's like lemon tea).
Anyhoo! That's the deal! AH!!
Goto system soundbar tomorro!