So another obstacle reared it's ugly head yesterday. Well, guess I shouldn't call it ugly, it is what it is. I'v been looking for another studio, and location is everything. But, come to find out, the only thing that matters is your credit score. I met some amazing people during this voyage, all of which would love to have me rent from them, however because my old roommate fucked me, and bailed on our lease, I'm stuck paying a $3k bill. No one will let me rent from them until it's paid least that's what they say ;) I could give up, in fact they want me to give up, but I know a little secret. I know the universe will not give me anything that I cannot handle, and there is no way that i'm going to allow some black and whit text on a piece of wood to keep me from my dreams. I have a meeting today with another place, and i'm going to show my personality and love for this person, and this will be the one...i'm not taking no for an answer on this. Peace and love my friends.