What the Fuck!?!?!?! Now they are blaming Mr. Rogers for fucking up kids in this country. Supposedly it's his fault there is a screwed up sense of entitlement amongst the generation of people who grew up watching Mr. Rogers. I agree that there are a large group of spoiled ass kids out there who think they should get whatever they want. But blame Mr. Roger's because of his message of "you are special"? I call Shenanigans! Why not try blaming the parents for once, they are the ones who have the real responsibility to raise their kids right, and if they turn out rotten then the parents should be at front of the blame line.
What next? You gonna tell me the Muppets are bad for you? Thanks for crapping all over my childhood!
Although, I think we can all agree the Fraggles were communists.
Check out the article here.
What next? You gonna tell me the Muppets are bad for you? Thanks for crapping all over my childhood!

Although, I think we can all agree the Fraggles were communists.
Check out the article here.
Ha!! Silly, silly man. Really? Those in glass houses, shall not throw stones....my friend.
Dunno even where to start over there......

Oh forget it, I've already taken a Louisville Slugger to that glass house in the Bronx. I can fully admit this Yankee team is a disappointment...right now I am focusing on the few bright points. Mostly A-Rod is putting together one hell of a season and it is fun to watch.