Sophie asked to be my friend -
So I said yes.....I may be dumb, but I am definitely not stupid!
Good evening my fellow freaks and geeks!! How are we today!!??
Have you seen the US President lately?!
I love in Maine and we have yet to get any snow!! What the hell is going on!!??
Ok, I am back and I feel a hell of a lot better. Just so you all know (the three of you who actually read this drek) I NEVER get sick, so when I do, I get really pissy!! I take very good care of this body (it's the only one I have!) and when it doesn't work right, I get mad......well, I am mostly well and I am back in a fine mood.....soooo.........
Politics, What Politics!?
I tell you, I grew up in a republican family. I voted republican up until this last election. Why? I didn't pay attention to the details. I really didn't care that much and I believed all the crap they told me. I know better now (Thanks to Nastia). I don't really give a crap about repugs or dems, I just know what matters to me and what I care about.
I care about the environment, I care about health care, I give a crap about helping people in a thoughtful and real way. I also care about freedom. Not the crap that Dumbya preaches, but true freedom of speech, expression, and the absense of the 'morality police'. I have to say that if Gay people want to get married, then freaking let them!! It makes not one little bit of difference to me!! AND DON"T PREACH TO ME!! IF I WANTED TO GO TO CHURCH, I WOULD NOT BE ON THIS SITE!!!!
Damn, that pisses me off!
I also believe in a woman's right to choose. Sorry, but I don't have to carry an 8-10lb bowling ball around and then shit it out my ass!! So leave people to figure it out for themselves! I cannot and should not make someone who doesn't want a kid, have one. Trust me, I have been there, it sucked, but it was not my choice to make!
Other than that, I really don't care too much about what department gets what or who is right about this or that in government. I have lived in several places all around this country and seen the best and the worst. I have to say that I don't mind paying taxes if I get something for it! I have lived in New Orleans, where the taxes were low and the city services reflected that. If you called the police, they might show up in fifteen minutes....stress might! Now I live in Maine, there is a very high property tax here, but guess what, the cops show up! You freaking get what you pay for!
All the rest of it, don't really care......There's a lot to running this place, someone has to do it. Fine, do it, but leave my rights alone and take care of the people!! And while you're at it, don't tell me that I have to believe in some all-powerful crap! That's all I ask, is that too much?
Well, freakish folk, that's all for now......I am going to go back and finish Odd Thomas - Why do I love Dean Koontz crap novels so much!?
Have a superb day!