I'm glad to see things haven't changed much here in SG land. You ladies are still beautiful and wickedly tantalizing. After reviewing you sets I feel compelled to hang out near tattoo shops and stalk thin legged, tight jeaned, pierced, eccentric emo/urban photographers in hopes that I could one day see something like you in person. I don't want to steriotype I just beleive I'd have a better chance following those guys/gals rather than a bigger guy with slicked back hair, a lit cigar in a tux. I wanted to bring something up for conversation here on my B Lo G. I have one tattoo. Yup I do

I was thinking today as I was cleaning my brothers house... que bubble over head... " What is it about tattoos that makes one never enough. Is there such things and enough is enough? And how do we choose something we believe will keep its meaning and appeal when we're fighting 50!?
Comments and curses are welcome
Oh I started a wordpress blog. theModernScribbler It's intent is to chronicle a total novice writer all the way up to the publication of my first work... still in progress obviously lol. It'll have exercises and writings that I do on days I write which should be everyday but ... blah
It's not totally done yet I'll be working on it today and it should be kosher by Monday night.